"Far better, like squirrels sniffing out an approaching winter, to have gathered and stored a harvest of nuts and seeds to carry us through the approaching December nights. While a "domestic" financial solution is a mirage, there's no doubt that had we saved and invested those savings outside our borders, that one day we would have been able to ring the "accounts receivable" doorbell and extend our standard of living. Instead, a President fixated on emulating a former Republican icon of a far different demographic era, chose to emphasize tax cuts for the rich and excessive consumption. With no more sense than our story's Mrs. Kane, he chose not to think ahead, but to look to the past; to emulate Reagan tax policies which were more than appropriate in the 80s, but which were increasingly less appropriate as the twenty-first century unfolded with its aging boomers serving as the proverbial pothole in the road ahead; to mnemonically recite like a schoolboy at a blackboard, "no new taxes" - the phrase that had condemned his father to a one-term presidency; and to have surrounded himself with advisers who had no less vision or courage than himself. The W presidency will go down in the ashes of history for more than just Iraq."