Too many of the poorest of the poor are single mothers. Many have never married; many have more than one child, often from different fathers. They have to work long hours thanks to the "welfare reform" and most are stuck in the "female ghetto" of lowe wages.
How much easier it would have been for them not to have children at that particular time of their life. Perhaps they could have finished school, perhaps they could learn a skill..
No, the answer is not the hypocritical "abstinence only" - for any woman. How easy it is for old men (especially before Viagra) and women, with reduced libido, to pontificate to the young that they should abstain from sex. Sex is a basic drive of all creatures and young women used to get married and become mothers at their teens. Just because we define teenagers as "kids" does not suppress the full development of their physiological and anatomical systems.
How much help could we provide by active sexual education, by providing birth control pills - that some pharmacists refuse to sell - and condoms. And, yes, once a woman becomes pregnant, actively offer alternatives, from abortion to adoption.
In 1992 Bill Clinton surged ahead of Bush and Perot by emphasizing personal responsibility. One of the reasons, I think, why McGovern lost big in 1972 was that at that time the Democrats were perceived as the party that embraced the ones with no personal responsibility. I don't know whether this was true, that young girls would get pregnant so that they could get their own apartments, but this was the buzz. Many voters, who believed in the working hard and being rewarded did not take kindly, still do not, to tolerating the slackers, to giving them tax money.
We certainly should not punish the single poor women who do choose to raise their children on their own. But wouldn't we do better by actively educating them of the consequences of unplanned pregnancies? No, let's not pontificate about sex and love. This is an invention of the monotheistic religions (I don't know: do Eastern religion say the same?)
As I mentioned above, sexual drive is as basic as breathing for all creatures. But we can emphasize the hardship of being a single mother, the consequence that would plague that young woman, that girl, for the rest of her life. We can offer her alternatives to building self-esteem than being a mother when she will not be able to support herself and her child.
What a difference we could make, by actively working to reduce single motherhood and the poverty associated with it by education, not by pontification and hypocrisy.
OK, start flaming.