THIS comic has you all beat, with the best laugh of the year:Condi uses Civil War to slap Iraq critics
Secretary of State Rice compared the Iraq war with the American Civil War, telling a magazine that slavery might have lasted longer in this country if the North had decided to end the fight early.
"I'm sure there are people who thought it was a mistake to fight the Civil War to its end and to insist that the emancipation of slaves would hold," Rice said in the new issue of Essence magazine.
"I know there were people who said, 'Why don't we get out of this now, take a peace with the South, but leave the South with slaves?'" Rice said.
Rice also bristled at the notion that the Bush administration's slow response last year in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was because of the race of the majority of the victims.
(snip) spite of her vaunted education and credentials, it appears that Miz Rice did not study U.S. history past 1950: she seems to have forgotten about Viet Nam--surely the most apt comparison to the Iraq debacle. I wonder what Senatorial candidate George "Macaca" Allen (the southern gentleman from California) would make of her ignorant comments here. Whatever response he might have, it would be sure to rival Saturday Night Live for humor value.
Her comments regarding Katrina: "The government did its best. People aren't perfect, and this response was not perfect. You know, I do foreign policy, I don't run Homeland Security. I don't run FEMA. I do foreign policy."
I "do" foreign policy. Wow. Now that's a real intellectual.