It's fun to fantasize about, but it's far better to let reality do the work we want done.
First of all, majority in the Senate is not out of reach. If our side doesn't get that, a Republican majority there will be used to stifle and counter what a Democratic House does toward the Bush crew. If our side does get Senate majority, how ever small, don't forget that something like 15 Republican Senators will be representing states that are Blue or tip Blue this election- those 15 are going to be in political quicksand. Without Senate majority powers the Republican Senate minority is deadly vulnerable to massive losses in '08 and will, in any case, be under continuous attack from their Democratic constituents. With a rising and growing national consensus against them they won't be able to sustain filibusters or much else.
As it is, Republican morale is shaky and solid support of Bush & Co continues its running decline. That decline in real support/last real faith in this bunch achieving anything positive is a remarkably constant 1% of the electorate per month across nearly 6 years, and after election day hard Bush support will predictably be under 30%. (There's still a bit of soft support that makes the numbers look less bad, but it's benefit of the doubt.) When the hard support goes to under 24%- which would by trend be sometime next spring or early summer- the Presidency is going to be extraordinary fragile and its last political bloc of support is cracked. That's the Christian Right aka hardcore conservatives.
We'd be fools to attack the Presidency outright and make the debate about the institution. The game is do everything else but that- to expose all the Administration has done and the completeness of its failure and corruption without a direct attack on Dubya. That means to topple and politically destroy one element after another of the Administration and its support after another. That would make it completely impotent and discredit everything it is and stands for. It will have to throw members of the crew under the train continuously until they run out of bodies between us and Dubya. That is Total Victory, is it not? And then Dubya will get the Nixon phone call from his last friends in the Senate, telling him to resign because there's nothing left to prevent his being thrown out.