I can answer that question.
Keith Olbermann asks outright the question that George Bush's entire life poses: Have you no sense of decency, sir?
If the simpleton-in-chief even knows the historical significance of the question, he probably considers the original recipient of the question to be one of his personal heroes. Certainly Joe McCarthy is smiling with approval from his special place in hell at what has become of his country and his party.
George Bush's whole pathetic life of sloth, privilege, greed, irresponsibility, dishonesty, fecklessness, vacuity, hypocrisy, empty posturing, and wanton callousness testifies to the fact that, no, George Bush has no sense of decency.
His blowing up frogs with firecrackers as a kid, his legacy admission to Yale (Like "legacy" software, "legacy" admissions gives a classy-sounding name to gilding a turd), his legacy-based C average there, using his Daddy's pull to get into the national guard, then failing to show up for a physical exam which involved a drug test, then going AWOL (with legacy protection), his blatant insider trading at Harken (again with the legacy protection of his Daddy's power to end the investigation before the investigators had the evidence) all say that George Bush has no sense of decency.
As governor of Texas, he revelled in his race to execute more people than Communist China or Saudi Arabia or North Korea.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
When he ran for president, he claimed to be a "compassionate conservative" and his adminstration became the most vile, vicious, and callous administration in U.S. history.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
In the South Carolina primary, his minions viciously and dishonestly smeared a war hero with race-baiting lies and he approvingly remained silent, partaking of the benefits.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
In the general election campaign, his Swift Boat Liars again smeared a war hero with lies, and he again approvingly remained silent, partaking of the benefits.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
After the election, his party's hired thugs invaded and intimidated election boards trying to count the votes and he again approvingly remained silent, partaking of the benefits.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He claimed to be a uniter, not a divider, and his administration has deliberately been the most divisive in American history.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He lied to start a war, using fantasy tales of weapons of mass destruction, single-purpose aluminum tubes, yellowcake uranium, and mobile bioterrorism labs that he knew were all lies. He said that war was the last resort, when war was the only resort he ever considered, and he decided on war before he even made up the lying justification for it.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
When his lies were revealed to be undeniably lies, he made up new lies about why he started the war.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
His back-door draft calls back soldiers years after they completed their service and he sends soldiers for third and fourth tours of duty in his personal vendetta war, while denying them body armor and cutting veterans benefits. Further, he bankrupts them and denies them the protection of bankruptcy laws. Meanwhile, he gave billions in no-bid contracts to his cash trough cuddle buddies at Halliburton, and simply "lost" more billions.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
After years of saying 911SaddamAlQaida, Saddam911,AlSaddamQaida, QaidaAlSaddam, he now says that he never claimed that Saddam was behind 911.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He squandered the good will of the world after 911 by his lawless invasion of a nation that posed no threat to us, by torture without trial, by permanent imprisonment without trial, by scrapping the Geneva Conventions, and by holding the "bonfire of the treaties."
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He squandered a multi-hundred billion dollar surplus with his war-mongering and billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthiest and peanuts for the middle class.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
His secret Star Chamber energy policy conclave resulted in transferring billions and billions to his cash trough cuddle buddies in Big Oil.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
While workers have lost ground to inflation from downsizing, outsourcing, and downjobbing, and have gone a decade without an increase in the minimum wage, even while corporate profits and CEO pay zoomed upward, he tied increasing the minimum wage for the poorest to giving more hundreds of billions to his cash trough cuddle buddies among the wealthy.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
His policies encouraged exporting jobs and rewarded the CEOs who exported them.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He wrote a blank check to Big Pharma by outlawing even negotiating with drug companies on prices for drugs, and he concurrently screwed seniors dependent on Medicare.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He gutted agencies and programs that protect Americans, he put a horse show judge in charge of FEMA, he fiddled while New Orleans drowned, and he said that everything would be fine because Trent Lott's second home would get a nice new porch. He gave yet more to his cash trough cuddle buddies in big corporations while leaving those who lost everything to fend for themselves.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
His party fatuously postured about the "rule of law" when they impeached a president for consensual sex, but he mocks the constitution and the rule of law and declares himself unitary dictator, bound by no law or constitution, and having the divine right of frat boy kings. The same fatuous posturers who impeached Clinton now want to pass laws to declare that King George the Dumbf*** can do no wrong.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
At a summit meeting, he staggered shit-faced and tried to massage a female foreign head of state in what looked like a drunken sophomoric attempt to cop a grope.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He silences scientists and forbids the EPA to protect the environment. He denies global warming even while the glaciers and poles melt, all to enhance corporate quarterly reports for his plutocrat cuddle buddies.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He piously panders to his "Christian" base while he mocks the teachings of Jesus (Blessed are the peacemakers, whatever you did to the least of these my brothers, help the poor and unfortunate, and endlessly on and on). He panders to "Christian" hatred of gays and sex while a gay S&M prostitute spent numerous unexplained overnights in the White House.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He revels in torture and equates dissent with disloyalty and disagreement with treason and terrorism.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
He is a phony good ol' boy, a phony Christian, and a phony compassionate conservative.
George Bush has no sense of decency.
And through all this, the so-called news media give his lying, lawless, callous, and vicious adminstration a free pass. Now Disney will present the Neocon Fantasyland version of 911, a propaganda mockumentary condemning the president who actually resisted terrorism and glorifying the Frat Boy King, and they demonstrate that our corporate media have no sense of decency either. You can count the honest Big Media corporate news outlets on the fingers of one thumb.
George Bush has no sense of decency, and his corporate plutocrat cuddle buddie enablers in Big Media have no sense of decency either.