to split the vote...all minutiae ... no real beef ...to capture singular issues...ignoring the Larger Frame work of WHAT IS BEST for AMERICA...
You never hear of them Pulling America Together to address the REAL Needs and Wants of our Citizens except for the Fear Card and how they make America Safer...to the point of almost going nekkid when boarding planes. These guys are smooth to divert us from the Large Picture where the Real Answers lie
As the Election draws near...the GOP will attempt to keep us from looking at the Larger Picture which clearly shows they have Failed us . like real Bad....
To wit:
They use stem cell research as a divisive issue
The Iraqi War as a means to fight terror
They and they alone have the solutions to all National Problems...denigrating all critics as traitors/unAmerican
Under this past 12 year Pub run.... we have mounted a 9 trillion National Debt and have reversed our good fortunes to the point; Homelessness went up, Jobs lost, etc etc
These GOP and their Crop have taken hold of our Gov't to the point of nearing Fascism....this is dangerous for the Health of America...
Do the Dems have answers? You bet we do...many and all better than this GOP Crowd including Dufus of staying the course.
Its our Turn and we know we can do better....all we been getting from the GOP is CRAP...
Come, we go vote BLUE