link here:"Disney and Microsoft with the help of the American reputation Guillemette Faure. Published on August 26, 2006
"An organization supported by large companies wants to improve the image of the United States in the world.
"AND IF one entrusted to Disney management queues of controls of immigration to the American airports? After all, they know each other there: they revolutionized the organization of the tails in their amusement parks and their visitors keep the smile. The idea belongs to all those which mijote the Business for Diplomatic Action. This organization, founded in 2004 and supported by large companies like McDonald's and Microsoft, aims to improve the image of the United States in the world.
"At its head, Keith Reinhard, 71 years, former president of DDB Worldwide Communications, one of the greatest world advertising agencies. If the United States were a mark, “we would be in crisis”, summarizes it. “We are perceived as being noisy, arrogant, insensitive, ignoramuses…” And this bad image has, according to him, of the commercial consequences: a survey carried out in the countries of G8 indicates that 18% their nationals say to avoid buying American products. “Foreign tourism did not return on its level of before September 11, 2001. The United States accounts for nothing any more but 6% of world tourism, against 7,4% in 2001.” Another alarming indicator, an investigation requiring of teenagers of 14 country to quote their preferred marks does not see any American among the three first (Nike, first American, is classified fourth, behind Sony, Nokia and Adidas). “It became cool and politically correct to type on the Americans”, concludes Keith Reinhard, who quotes an advertising campaign of the Smart cars in South Africa: “German Engineering. Swiss innovation. Nothing American.”
"The advertising executive reproaches the current government for having remained a long time in the refusal on the subject, but takes care not to make him carry all the fault of the ambient anti-Americanism. “That made more than twenty years that it develops. With the fall of Communism, the United States became the only super power, reason of resentment and desire. The Americans carried out the disputed movement of the globalisation. Iraq and Abou Ghraïb put fire at these feelings anti-American”.
"Mini guides of “citizens of the world”
"Does what recommend the organization? To change the perception of the “mark”. It quotes a study of 2004: “Only 17% of the French who never came to the United States have a positive image of our country. To those which already visited the country, one passes to 52%. It is necessary that the foreigners arrive as guests and set out again as ambassadors”. From where its idea to ask Disney to help the immigration department. “At Disney, one can make so that the visitors smell themselves welcome even when they make the tail. Those which keep our borders adopt the opposite attitude. It is not a question to change the rules of immigration, but to adopt a more flexible attitude in order to be perceived like an accessible company.”
"Another way of requesting the business world to rectify the image of the United States, Business for Diplomatic Action published mini guides of “citizens of the world” who will be given to the managers of 800 companies for their displacements abroad. Among the councils: speak less extremely, do not insist on your profession while presenting to you - “elsewhere, it is less important” than in the United States -, useless to speak baseball, and “what you call “soccer”, it is football and it is the preferred sport of planet”… “The Americans make 60 million voyages abroad per annum, a quarter of these voyages are business trips”, notes Keith Reinhard. Then why not to advise with those which to France will be interested “in the last results of Paris Saint-Germain”? "
(i swear they are doing this (in part) to get the republicans to lay off them for Gay Day.