---- During the past year, I worked fairly closely with some activist-minded folks in Vermont to write something which came to be called the "prior dissent" resolution. "Prior dissent" referred to the act by a single state government of declaring in advance that, should a president issue any Executive Decree (such as martial law declarations, election suspensions and specific curtailments of Bill Of Rights guarantees) which the state felt was excessive or dangerous, then that state reserved the right not to recognize that decree within its own state boundaries. The idea is not new; Jefferson's "nullification" resolution covered some of the same ground.
---- I began writing a modern version of this strategy in the hope that, if a state were to adopt it before Bush attempted any acts of outright usurpation,.. and if there was fairly widespread notice and discussion of the resolution,.. then it might possibly become something of "speed-bump" blocking his path. The "element of surprise" would have been removed, if you will. And I selected Vermont as the state to approach with the draft, particularly those Vermonters connected to the small, but active Secession Movement there,... also known as the Second Vermont Republic, founded by Dr. Thomas Naylor. Naturally, the hope existed that similar resolutions could be adopted by other states, as well.
---- Secession for Vermont was not my concern, but I figured that folks thinking secession would be highly receptive to the notion of prior dissent, and that proved to be true. Prior dissent came to be regarded as a forerunner, or "trigger," to any subsequent secession activity. Discussion, correspondence and re-drafting went on for months. I wrote an article or two for local publications, and was a guest a few times on a Vermont radio talk show,... once even appearing with noted author Mark Crispin Miller. And in fact, the resolution actually DID make it to the Vermont legislature, where it failed to pass,.. possibly due to the fact that the folks I was dealing with could not bear to part with the idea of eventual secession,.. and they added that language to the final draft sent to the legislature. I felt this was a mistake.
---- The original draft of the Prior Dissent Resolution may be found at the official website of the Second Vermont Republic (you'll have to do a search,.. I can't post a link).... It's under "Writings and Essays" or something like that,... you'll know it when you see it. But I invite DU'ers to take a look and judge for yourselves if such an initiative at the state level could be of use in deterring this fascist regime as it tries to maintain its original gameplan through its final two years. Thanks, and I hope you like it.