I will be sending the following to Disney's Investor Relations:
Once again Disney managment is violating its fiduciary duties to its
shareholders in order to engage in partisan politicking.
"Path to 9/11" is a transparent piece of Bush Administration propaganda,
fine-tuned to help the Republican party in this election year.
It presents a fictionalized account of the disaster tailored to shift
the blame onto the prior Democratic administration.
That account has been disavowed by everyone who has first-hand knowledge.
ABC is likely to find that Bush's abysmal ratings start to rub off on the
network. Organized boycotts are likely. Local stations are already being
flooded with letters, emails, and phone calls protesting the show.
Over 40 million dollars was spent on this movie, but there will be no
revenue to the Corporation because there is no advertising, and the movie
is being made available for free downloads and given away to schools.
Why the effort to get a *fictional* account of 9/11 accepted as
educational material by our schools? Why indeed?
The ill will being created by such blatant efforts to shill for a deeply
unpopular Presidency will undoubtably cost Disney Corporation millions in
As a shareholder, one has to ask WHY is Disney doing this? Why are corporate
assets being misappropriated on such a massive scale to further a wholely
political agenda -- an unpopular one at that, the pursuit of which could
cause great harm to the corporation, as well as subject it to legal action
and shareholder activism? WHY?
Are there any other Disney shareholders here? Do any of our pension funds
have shares? Anyone with any experience pushing shareholder proposals?
It would seem that there is a basis for shareholders to bring legal action.
Is anyone doing this already?
This post contained some useful information on shareholder proposals:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2067359&mesg_id=2067933but when I followed the links to the SEC site I found myself in a
sea of incomprehensible legalese.