---- The utter failure, probable criminality and ultimate implosion of the Bush administration has just about come around. The almost next-to-last nail in its coffin came around today in the form of the announcement that the CIA had determined there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and the al Queda terrorist attack, and that this determination had been made BEFORE the Iraq invasion.
---- It will now quickly come to light that the so-called "faulty intel" guiding the neocon junta's elective war-making was furnished by the neocons, themselves,... in the form of the manufactured and cherrypicked intelligence issuing from the OSP, under PNAC'er Douglas Feith,... which is precisely what Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson have been saying all along. The Bush administration's credibility is dead.
---- This now becomes the world's easiest game of "connect the dots."
---- And it should go without saying that the White House knew in advance that this report was coming. Thus the hastily-modified rhetoric, Bush's pro-war "terror tour," ... even the timing of the ABC historical hatchet-job,... all were aimed at attempting to set up or distract the public from the looming revelations of deliberate PNAC treachery. In sanguine pollster terms, this will cost Bush at least five points on his "approval" rating inside of a week. But in more severe legal and constitutional terms, it means that the Bush administration knowingly misled this nation into a war which has killed nearly 3,000 Americans, and left another 10,000 with major, life-altering injuries. And then there's the 100,000 innocent Iraqis killed,.. and the half-trillion taxpayer dollars wasted in the despicable scheme.
---- Here's hoping that somewhere, somehow someone in the press will find enough backbone to at least inquire, "If this wasn't about 9-11 and al-Queda terrorism,.. and if the administration KNEW it was not about those things,.... then what the hell WAS it about?"
---- The answer to that may be found in the lately-glowing fortunes of Halliburton, Exxon, Bechtel, K&R, Carlyle, et al.... The war was launched for the dual purposes of obtaining Iraq's oil and providing over-priced "busy-work" for select US firms. Period.
---- But back to that "Berlin Bunker," eh? The neocon junta will now be feverishly getting their wagons in a circle,... Today, the struggle became more than ever a fight to the death for them,.. as the incriminating revelations which could flow from the CIA report will put more than a few of them in serious legal jeopardy. And that ain't good news, folks. Wounded and desperate, they may now attempt heretofore unimagineable "escape and avoidance" tactics,.. anything to disrupt or waylay the closer investigation of what they have already done.
---- The next couple of weeks could prove to be scary.