Dear ABC/Disney,
I hate to break it to you but we are not as stupid as you think we are. We know you are lying to us. We know you do have a partisan agenda, and we know you are exploiting the victims of 9/11 on the fifth anniversary of the attacks in order to help the Republicans in November.
You can bring up the point that we haven’t seen the movie yet, but that doesn’t matter. We are not idiots, we know we don’t have to see the film to know that it is filled with lies. You know it is filled with lies, and that is why you have refused to let Bill Clinton or any other progressives see it. Instead you hand the film off to Rush Limbaugh because as you publicly state on your website you believe that if you are
"endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands."These are your journalistic standards, don’t show the film to anyone who might be critical of it because if it is good enough for Rush Limbaugh it is good enough for you.
You keep trying to insist to us that you are non-partisan, but making such a claim is a deep insult to our intelligence. Sure you will block the distribution of Michael Moore’s film because you claimed you were non-partisan and would not distribute any partisan film in and election year. Yet you continued to broadcast Sean Hannity along side all your other right-wing radio shows. This is absolute proof that you are willing perfectly willing to be partisan when that partisanship helps Republicans.
And speaking of Michael Moore, you have quite the “news” article about him on your website. You show the journalistic standards of when you
publish an article attempting to link Moore to suicide bombers.I thought FOX News was bad, but I am starting to think that your journalistic standards may be even lower. You have been around longer than FOX so you have had more time to develop your propaganda techniques. If people really look below the surface though you are every bit as partisan, and you are a whole lot more dangerous to our democracy because not as many people realize you are so partisan.
I demand you issue an apology to all the families of the 9/11 victims for attempting to score political points by exploiting them. I demand you issue an apology to Michael Moore for trying to link him to suicide bombers in a piece disguised as a legitimate news article. I demand you apologize to the American people for continually lying to them both with this “Path to 9/11” propaganda, and through your right-wing radio talk shows. I demand you come clean on your pro-Republican agenda.
You better clean up quick because we are going to keep digging up dirt and throwing it right on top of you. Don't think it is going to come to an end after this thing runs, no we will go after you until we can destroy your credibility forever.
Get ready to watch your ratings fall.
An American Who Wants the Truth