When it comes to majority opinion, I would think that most people are not the analytical sort. Unfortunately, "keep it simple" wins the day, this leads to arguments like: if we fight them over there..., they hate us for our freedom, they hated us before Bush went to war, etc. If we couple these arguments with the wish of many people to get revenge for 9-11, then you get the poll results above. They don't really argue that this is why they want it, but 9/11 made people feel weak and powerless. Dropping bombs on the middle east makes them feel stronger, powerful...you can just hear the "take that Ahmed" lines from some beer guzzler watching the ABC propaganda machine. It's ironic that a president who purports to be a Christian actually taps into hatred as the motivating emotion to get his "Christian" base to the polls.
Many of us here realize that the "war" model to terrorism merely perpetuates the problem as it forces people to take sides. You have group A and group B, group A has a couple of rogues who pick a fight with group B. As group B, you have a choice: a) find the rogues and deal with them, or b) pick a fight with all of group A. We all know how the rest of group A will react to these options. (Actually, in the case of Bush, you elect to pick a fight with group C). If the fire is stoked, members of group B will need to exact revenge on group A, not necessarily on the culprits. But this just leads to the cycle of violence that Israel now finds itself in.
Ultimately, it is through our actions that we can be distinguished from the other side. America needs to act in a manner that truly allows freedom and liberty to flourish for all, not just when it is convenient. Bush's rhetoric in this area simply does not match his record. Our president has confounded freedom with democracy and that is how he is destroying the ideal of America. By pushing for democracy to prevail over individual rights, our president is pushing for a world order in which minorities are globally oppressed in the name of "democracy". This can only lead to more disenfranchised groups, more terrorism, more hatred and more of the same.