I think the White House needs our help. You see, 9/11 is Bush's big chance to shine and pump up his poll numbers out of Richard Nixon territory. He only gets 1 shot at this then he'll have to wait a year.
So we need to submit suggestions.
The Bush White House and their buddies at Fox News have tried to spin the 9/11 Senate report that proves Saddam wasn't linked to al-Qaeda.
Like we didn't know that already. Anyway, Fox News has spun the report so hard they seem to have forgotten the Senate is run by Republicans. Somehow they've spun it into a tool of the Democratic party.
Bush, of course, plans to visit the site for a photo op:
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060910/pl_nm/sept11_dc. I hope he doesn't forget to take his megaphone and "Mission Accomplished" sign.
ABC is showing that baloney docu-drama 9/11. You know, the "liberal media" we're always warned about. The same "liberal media" who collapsed when a docu-drama of Ronald Reagan didn't portray him as a deity think making stuff up about the Clinton administration is grand. Bush will be making a major speech in the same time slot. I'm not sure which work of fiction to watch.
But still, the RNC is desperate for a kill. There's 24 hours in a day and they've only filled up maybe 5 or 6 with exploitive promos regarding 9/11.
If you have any ideas. That's any ideas at all on how to help Bush out send them to him. Time is short so send them to his personal email: incompetent@whitehouse.gov.