emulating Republicans! Let's pretend we're Republicans!
The GOP ad executive advice, "Madison Ave. Ad Exec Reveals How GOP Wins Elections" is posted at Kos, and this post from the thread states the point:
This is perhaps one of the single most interesting, and important diairies I've ever seen at Kos.
The content of this diary not only explains everything that has happened in all it's machiavellian disgrace ... but highlights how it's precisely how disgraceful we must become if we're to ever regain control.
Let's face it ... we Americans are sheep. We have to be told what to think. So let's start telling.
We have a better agenda, we have Americans' interests in mind, we have a higher moral ground, and we have a long standing history that contrasts to the republican's story of "screw the middle class, take what you can and run before they catch on."
So how we get there is no longer important ... especially if we Americans are so stupid, that it has now become THE ONLY way we're going to get there.
We are a TV commercial culture. It's how our tiny brains have been programmed over the last century. It's a bit late in the game to convince people of the virtues of digging to find the truth. People don't give a fuck about the truth. They want to be "convinced" and will accept nothing more.
Thank you, Populist, for this crucial look into the programming of the American idiot. Sorry, but I'm not afraid to call it like it is.
This diary ought to be printed and faxed to every democrat desk BY MONDAY NOON!
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2006/9/9/124753/8755/427#c427Let's behave like Republicans and work on
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14450808">America's pysche; afterall, image is everything!
Let use Machiavellian tactics, and let the GOP/media conflate Democratic and Republican values:
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-rutten9sep09,1,4386536.column?ctrack=1&cset=true">We've all become accustomed to a Congress that behaves as if it's divided between Bloods and Crips rather than Republicans and Democrats — but this was a thuggish new low. If we were inclined to dramatic license, the guys with thick necks in "On the Waterfront" would come to mind, though it's doubtful even Harvey Keitel could plausibly play Harry Reid as threatening.
Lets go all the way and fool Americans on
Iraq and
national security Let's
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=132&topic_id=2809615&mesg_id=2809615">run a couple of Democrats as Republicans
I agree, let's pretend we're Republicans! :sarcasm:
What do you believe:
That the GOP won the 2000 election even though Al Gore bested Bush by half a million votes, only to have the Supreme Court select Bush for the job?
That because the GOP decided to steal two national elections to pursue the neocon's agenda, the lie about how
GOP win elections (presumably through fair means) is true?
The Democratic Party is not the Republican Party!
The Democratic Party doesn't need its own version of
Karl Rove!
The Democratic party doesn't want the media's help; the media has an obligation to be
objective. The media shouldn't spew GOP talking points (see Path to 9/11, or calls for apologies to Rove) nor media hire right wing hacks, and journalist should definitely not be on the Bush administration's payroll!
The Democratic Party doesn't need to
disguise its message in order to herd Americans like sheep.