McCain, Warner and Graham, all supposed friends of the military, acquiesced in the fiction that lower level troops were the only ones responsible for the torture scandal and let them pay the full price for what happened. Pat Roberts plays out the string on the Senate Investigation so that the American people are not informed of the degree that the Bush regime cooked the books on Iraq's bogus ties to AlQuida and WMD programs . Whitman and Giuliani allow heroic rescue workers to expose themselves to a toxic soup of carcinogens while withholding the truth of the dangers. Tom Kean squanders the credibility of the bi partisan 9/11 Commission by giving his imprimatur to a sleazy RW fantasy about the most significant event in America's recent history. Rank and file Republicans cling to lies promulgated by Rush and Faux even though they know that the overwhelming evidence damns their hero as an incompetent fool who continues to undermine American traditions and institutions while making the world a much more dangerous place. Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld willingly concoct a witch's brew of punitive, suppressive legislation for the sole purpose of returning their protectors, a Republican Congress, to office so that they can continue their effort to destroy America's middle class. Sadly this is but a subset of the shameful acts perpetrated by today's Republican Party.I can only wonder at what power the Bushies are able to exert on people to render them accomplices in the most dishonest, destructive administration in American history. Shame on each and everyone who still supports this gang of thugs and fools.