here's why: "getting off of foreign oil" does not speak to imperialism ... it is, instead, a long term energy policy, albeit a good one, that may weaken the grip of Big Oil on American foreign policy but it fails to acknowledge the corruption of our democracy and the failure of our government to have in place the necessary oversight and control systems to ensure that government is acting in the best interests of ALL its citizens rather than a select few ... the issue raised here is NOT just foreign oil but rather good governance leading to sound policy ...
that we have had electric cars in the past and they were abandoned as a technology is exactly the problem we need to address ... saying we need to have electric cars or alternative energy sources that don't burn fossil fuels is a great idea; recognizing that our democratic institutions are controlled by Big Oil and other mega-corporations that direct and control American foreign and domestic policy is an entirely different issue ...
of course, you completely failed to take into account what i actually wrote in my post ... you just toss around the same old personal attacks without actually responding to what i actually wrote ... let's look at it together, shall we:
why does it seem that, when discussions about empire and oil and CIA activity inside sovereign nations and assassinations and all the economic exploitation are being debated, it's always the "usual suspects" of DU's "lefties"?
so, question one is whether it is true that centrists don't show much interest in this topic .
note that the OP made no criticism of Democrats ... it talked about centrists ... and note that in doing so, it "asked", it didn't tell, whether the perception was accurate ... and, of course, you didn't address any of that at all ... you chose not to respond to whether centrists do focus on improper intrusions by the US into sovereign states ... you didn't discuss assassinations ... and you made no mention of economic exploitation ... sort of confirms my hypothesis as far as your own response goes, doesn't it?
and then, in the reply i made to another post to which you responded, i wrote:
but i don't hear elected Democrats talking about bush going to war BECAUSE OF oil ... i don't hear Democrats talking about the 2002 coup in Venezuela BECAUSE OF oil ... i don't hear Democrats talking about the strangehold Big Oil has on the US government and how it's totally corrupted our democratic processes ...
and to this, you chose to focus on what Al Gore said we should "get off foreign oil" ... first, i like Al Gore ... i've watched many of his speeches ... and perhaps he's even addressed the issue i'm raising in this thread; you certainly are NOT, however ...
let's see whether "Al Gore saying we should get off foreign oil" responds to the following points i made (this should determine whether your reply was at all responsive) ...
here was the first point: "bush going to war BECAUSE OF oil" ... does "getting off foreign oil" argue that bush went to war because of oil? i don't think it quite says that, does it?
and the second point: "the 2002 coup in Venezuela BECAUSE OF oil" ... does "getting off foreign oil" argue that Big Oil pushed the US government into deposing Chavez in 2002? ... ummmm, no, it certainly doesn't say that, does it??
and, point three, what about the overall control Big Oil has on our government and how it corrupts our democratic institutions? does "getting off foreign oil" acknowledge that our governmment has been taken over by mega-corporations especially including Big Oil ... well, no, it does NOT ...
since you're not likely to actually respond to any of these details and specifics and i expect little more than your usually non-responsive parade of insults in return, i'll spell this out for you: we, the people, lack control of our own government ... the reason we have been unable to "get off foreign oil", is because we lack power ... to bring about a change in the balance of power between mega-corporations and "just plain folk" we are going to need to awaken many more Americans to this imbalance and the corruption of our government by big money, big corporations and Big Oil ... to achieve this passing along of information to our fellow citizens, we would be far more effective if we had the full support and weight of the Democratic Party behind us ... republicans have always been the party of fat cats but Democrats these days seem afraid to talk about the extent of control big money now holds over our government ... just so you don't misunderstand, i am a major supporter of Al Gore's environmentalism ... it's nothing short of heroic ... but it's very far short of campaigning all out against imperialism and the corruption of our democracy ...
in your "blind loyalty" to the Democratic Party, you seem to see me as an enemy ... i am NOT ... i am a Democrat (even an elected Democrat) who has done many things in support of the Party ... i am also highly critical of many things the party has done and is still doing ... my goal is not to elect republicans, god forbid, and it hopefully is not to elect third party candidates either ... my goal is to fight for change in the Democratic Party ... what you label as "complaining and whining" is nothing short of legitimate criticism ... pardon me for disagreeing ... that's the way it is ...
i think the party, perhaps because of its political loss of power, has failed to honor the traditions of Democrats of the past ... i think we've strayed far away from fighting for workers ... i think we're so worried about being labeled McGovernite peaceniks that we are supporting a runaway military industrial complex ... i think Democrats are so afraid of the "cut and run" label in Iraq that the party has enabled bush's war for year after year after year when it made no sense whatsoever to incur more deaths and injuries and expense ...and still there is tap dancing where they can't even support Kerry's pathetic "one more year of war" exit date ... yeah, i criticize the cowardice and the utter failure to stand up and do the right thing ... Iraq is fucking insane and there is no logical justification for playing politics with it the way i believe Senate Democrats have done ... i see that conduct as disgraceful ...
i look for an envigorated Democratic Party that isn't afraid to make bold, clear statements of our values ... i look for a renewed Democratic Party that seeks to bring about a new American revolution to restore our democracy ... i look for a Democratic Party that ends all this pro-corporate exporting of our jobs and says no to Cafta and Nafta because we don't have ta ... i look for a Democratic Party that is not afraid to say that what has been done to our government by big money is evil ... it's time to put aside all this bullshit collegiality that cowers from telling the American people the truth about their government ... so, yeah, there's a nice big pile of criticism for you ... i want to support a Democratic Party that fights to restore the American dream ... how twisted and misguided is that?????