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Halliburton executives ordered a big-screen TV and tacos to Iraq

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thepurpose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 06:44 PM
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Halliburton executives ordered a big-screen TV and tacos to Iraq

Suit alleges fraud by Halliburton over Iraq services
By T. Christian Miller

Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — Halliburton executives ordered a big-screen TV and 10 large tubs of tacos, chicken wings and cheese sticks delivered to Iraq for last year's Super Bowl and then billed U.S. taxpayers for their party, according to a lawsuit unsealed Friday.

The Houston company also defrauded the government by double- and triple-billing for Internet, food and gym services to troops, according to the lawsuit by a former employee for Kellogg, Brown & Root, or KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary that ran dining halls for troops in Iraq.

"The administration is not enforcing the laws against fraud when it comes to contractors in Iraq," said Alan Grayson, the attorney who filed the suit. "When it comes to seeing that the law is executed, the Bush administration is a no-show."

Halliburton denied the allegations of fraud, which were filed under the False Claims Act last year in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., by former KBR employee Julie McBride. Such lawsuits, designed to prevent war profiteering, allow citizens to sue on behalf of the government and recover a portion of any damages.

McBride was hired by KBR in 2004 as a "morale, welfare and recreation" coordinator at Camp Fallujah, about 35 miles west of Baghdad. She was fired the next year after making several complaints about KBR's accounting practices, the suit says, and was kept under guard until she was escorted to an airplane and flown out of the country.

The company did not deny ordering the television and the food; it set up snack buffets and special screenings at military bases throughout Iraq for the 2005 Super Bowl, which began at 2:30 a.m. local time. But KBR noted that its contract allowed the company to provide recreation and morale-boosting services for its own employees in addition to U.S. troops.

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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 06:48 PM
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1. Bush's base
His people ,his friends, his supporters.
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Telly Savalas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-11-06 10:08 PM
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2. I'm proud of the effort of these Halliburton executives.
A group of liberal Islamo-fascist appeasers of similar size probably couldn't even eat 5 large tubs of tacos, much less put a dent in the chicken wings.

Furthermore you America-haters don't recognize how much it work it takes to issue all those invoices to bill for goods and services. The fact that Halliburton was willing to put in the extra effort to do it two or three times for each service provided is just proof of their dedication.

But what's most appalling is that some would have the audacity to complain about these actions. Everything that is being done in Iraq is perfect, and criticizing anything that happens there only emboldens the terrorists.
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