- Why do we cut our tax base (Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains tax)?
- Why do we cut our tax rate (especially for the top 2%)?
- If we are at war - in the ME "oil patch" - why no increase in CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy)?
- If we are at war - in the ME "oil patch" - why no "Manhattan Project" to wean us from imported (ME) oil (e.g., a major push on biofuels, ethanol from various feeds beyond corn, smart cars, transit construction, ...)?
- If we are at war - in the ME "oil patch" - (Cynical question) - why hasn't Halliburton, KBR, or Bechtel made a major move in synthetic fuels and bio-fuels?
We are only "at war" to the extent necessary to enhance the "Unitary Executive" Presidency and further curtail civil liberties.
One need only read "The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time" by Antonia Juhasz.
(My prejudice and bias and POV - this is a war for Carlyle, Big Oil, and the munitions makers -- strictly a subterfuge for the real PNAC agenda - Carlyle, Big Oil, the munitions makers, and the "unitary executive" fascists).