The headline might be a bit misleading. I am on no particular crusade to unseat the House leadership. Instead, I want to start a discussion about the need for change .... or not.
I *like* Nancy D'Allesandro Pelosi. I include her maiden name as a way for those of you who wish to look back at her roots to have word to google. For me, she's a home towner (Baltimore, not San Francisco) and comes from a really good, DEMOCRATIC family. I'd be perfectly content for her to become Speaker.
But is that really the best choice for our party?
To my mind, the fiercest fighters for core Democratic principles are to be found among the members of the Congressional Black Caucus. The list of fierce fighters is not limited to this group, but, as a group, they are surely the most united and the most fierce. Maxine Waters (yes, I know there's some ethical issues she's facing) was no doubt touching to many of us with her lonely walk to the Senate in the waning hours of the fight to hold Al Gore's 2000 victory. Just a brief listing of names will raise cheers from any Democrat: John Conyers, Charlie Rangel, Sheila Jackson Lee, to name but three.
But there are others who deserve serious consideration. Barney Frank comes to mind here. Can anyone name a more competent debater? A more fierce defender of democracy? A better Democrat? A man more willing - and capable - to *strongly* project truth to power?
Dennis Kucinich. 'Nuff said.
The Republicans - say what you will about 'Uncle Tom' or 'Oreo Cookies' - have indeed put many black and ethnic faces in serious positions of power. The motivation for doing what they do is of course suspect, but it is what it is.
Our best chance for some piece of the American power structure is the House in 2006. Our only opportunity to show who we are as a party is in the choice of our House leadership.
In my mind, the best would be Sheila Jackson Lee for Speaker, Elijah Cummings of Maryland for Leader and Barney Frank for whip.
That's MY dream team. What's yours?