this from the illinois for dean yahoo group-
let's tell him that the secret is out. we know it is the money primary that counts the most.> Tucker Carlson just insulted anyone who would donate
> money to Howard Dean, and issued a challenge to anyone
> who had donated to write to CNN and explain why anyone
> would do something this stupid.
Specifically (and Rob, if this gets bounced off of lists I don't
subscribe to, would you be kind enough to forward?):
> TUCKER CARLSON, CO-HOST: Yesterday, Howard Dean woke up
> and realized he was dead. After promising to take his
> campaign all the way to the March primaries, Dean
> conceded that he must win the Wisconsin primary just 12
> days from now. If he loses Wisconsin, Dean admitted, the
> jig is up. As "The Washington Post" put it, Dean is
> making a last stand in cheese land.
> Roy Neel, Dean's latest and final campaign chairman,
> fired off an e-mail this afternoon hoping to rally the
> few remaining troops. Neel ended his letter with a
> two-paragraph quote from CNN's own Jeff Greenfield,
> noting that there are, in fact, quite a few left-wingers
> still in Wisconsin. It was sad, but also apparently
> persuasive.
> The Dean campaign claims to have raised more than 100
> grand today, $55,000 of that just in the hour between
> noon and 1:00, all of which raises the important
> question, who in his right mind would give money to
> Howard Dean at this point? Well, if you're one of those
> who did, we want to hear from you. Explain yourself to
> CROSSFIRE@C.... I'm fascinated by that.
> MARGARET CARLSON, GUEST HOST: Some people in our
> audience said they'd given money to Dean. This is the
> ultimate in picking the place where you think you might
> win, no matter how far out it is.
> T. CARLSON: Yes. It's sad.