How do you see these two terms?
We always hear that there's 'spin' out there.
We never hear that there are 'lies' out there.
The two words have different meanings. Eschewing the dictionary for a moment, spin is the slanting of a story to fit with one's world view. It almost always involves truth, and is a matter of emphasis and follow up as much as it is talking about facts.
For example: Joe Dokes said 'X'. That would be a fact.
To say "When Joe Dokes said 'X', he meant 'X+A+B+C'." is spin.
Lies are statements that are not true.
Using the above from and about Mr. Dokes, to say "Joe Dokes said 'Y'." when, in fact, he said 'X' is a lie. Every statement or explanation following that premise would also be a lie.
Why do I mention this?
Because 'spin' is a warm, fuzzy term. No one is upset by it. 'Everybody does it'.
Lies are lies. To call a statement a lie is harsh.
Let's start to use the terms correctly.
Many on the left 'spin' things. We do it right here every day. Righties spin, too. There's no reason at all to hide from that.
But I don't honestly recall much in the way of lies coming from the left.
The right, on the other hand, has made an industry and art form of lies.
Spin and Lies.
Know your terminology.