I have to call foul...
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Wed Sep-13-06 06:31 PM
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in a recent post regarding Haynes,they are closing 3 plants and 2200 jobs INCLUDING A PLANT IN MEXICO.....got that-it now cost too much to make underwear in MEXICO...
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Wed Sep-13-06 06:32 PM
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1. Yeah, they need to send it places where the help spits in it so |
that there will be fucked-up DNA samples if there is a criminal investigation.
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Wed Sep-13-06 06:38 PM
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2. even the textile workers of Mexico can't compete with Chinese prison labor |
The corporations hate us for our freedom. Of course, in some countries, this isn't a problem...
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Wed Sep-13-06 11:05 PM
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3. I cannot for the life of me remember which television manufacturer it was |
but a few years back one did the same thing. First it left the US for Mexico and then soon after, it left Mexico for China.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 07:02 PM
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