welcome to "electability"-land Mr. Kerry
Kerry: Already on the GOP Firing Line
His flip-flops, cozy ties with lobbyists, Massachusetts-style liberalism, and newly adopted populism will make tempting targets
Propelled by five big wins in the Feb. 3 round of Democratic primaries and caucuses, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry is steadily advancing on his party's nomination. But even as Kerry gathers momentum, he hears the sound of not-so-distant thunder. That's because President Bush's megabuck reelection campaign is starting to train its big guns his way. Advertisement
Kerry, of course, must still mop up entrenched resistance, especially from an energized Senator John Edwards (N.C.), who posted an impressive win in South Carolina, and a still-lurking Howard Dean. That means weeks of close combat -- and perhaps some setbacks -- stand between Kerry and the nomination.
MAN FROM "TAXACHUSETTS." Republicans aren't likely to wait until all the delegates have been counted, however. Before the emerging image of Kerry as a populist fighter for working folks takes hold, Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie and GOP surrogates are trying to paint him as a "Taxachusetts" pol whose values are outside the mainstream. "Kerry is the son of Dukakis," charges senior GOP operative Ron Kaufman. "He's a legitimate Massachusetts liberal, which means he backs policies that only the most left-wing side of the Democratic Party agrees with -- leaving the center-right to us."
http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/feb2004/nf2004025_6529_db016.htm?c=bwinsiderfeb6&n=link4&t=emailif link does not work, i will post entire article. let me know