Dems need to pre-empt the Republican smear campaign or counter it sing smart tactics like this: Every Dem candidate needs to be aware of the issues that will carry the most weight in their districts and prepare to make statements and put at ads something like this"
"Now the Republicans will say....blah,,blah, blah but what they won't tell you fact, fact, fact."
And the Dems need to be working on the favorable facts about every issue out there including immigration, taxes, deficits, gasoline price control, Iraq, Iran, N.K, gun control, bankruptcy, usary, and especially voting irregularities. Dems need to set the tone by having the public already know what the Republicans are likely to be saying so that when it happens they can say, "Well, the Dem candidate was right. This is exactly what the Republicans are trying make us believe." If you prepare people for the "lie" when it actually comes they will recognize it. If they haven't been warned, they will take the lie for the truth...just because they are ... well, I'll be knind here...uninformed.