Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 01:51 PM by woodsprite
I know a person who wrote in and had her letter published, saying that we should be thanking * for the recent drop in gas prices. She's a die hard pub, and for the life of me I can't understand it. It's really been bothering me.
This is her letter (printed on 9/11 of all days): > Give Bush some credit for the falling gasoline prices > > I just wanted to say "Thank you very much" to George W. Bush for the lower gas > prices we are now receiving. > >I urge everyone who complained about our president causing the prices to rise, >to thank him for the prices coming down. -----------------------------------
I've composed this. Do you think it stands a chance? I was trying to keep it short, but is there something big that I glossed over in my anger?
************ There are people who believe we should be thanking the President for the falling gas prices, among other things.
If that's the case, shouldn't we also be thanking him for ignoring the August security bulletin which warned of airplane attacks from Bin Laden's followers? Should we thank him for effectively hunting down Osama Bin Laden or for saying that he could care less where he was? Should he be thanked for fabricating connections between Iraq. the 9/11 hijackers and WMDs inorder to bolster support for the war? Should we be thanking him for leaking a covert CIA agent's name to the media, effectively blowing her cover, ruining a life-long career AND shutting down her division's investigation which did not support the administration's theory of WMD in Iraq?
Should grieving parents thank him for almost 3000 American sons and daughters who have lost their lives in this illegal war? Should we thank him for giving the rich additional tax breaks and shelters, while he is dismantling programs that help the less fortunate in America? Should we be thanking him for playing the guitar and eating cake while the citizens of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi drowned? Should we thank him for selling off national lands and parks to oil, lumber and mining interests. Should we thank him for wanting to put our ports, thus also port security, into the hands of Dubai Ports? Should we thank him for the over 700 signing statements he has issued since he has become President, essentially putting him above the law? Should we be thanking him that many of our public schools are now "teaching to the test" and leaving children behind?
Should all the Seniors in the US thank him for the proposed dismantling of Social Security and the changes and cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. And finally, should our Veterans thank him for the cuts to their medical and other benefits?
I certainly will not! Will you?