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WMD lies, Act II (second verse, same as the first)

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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 05:04 PM
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WMD lies, Act II (second verse, same as the first)
Iran is not going to build a nuclear warhead later today ... no mushroom clouds are forecast for the NYC area tomorrow ... and not the day after that or the day after that or even the day after that ... not next week, or next month, or next year or even in the next several years ... and maybe not even in five years or maybe not even in ten ...

a nuclear armed Iran is an appropriate concern ... of course a nuclear armed US is a concern when president chickenhawk threatens other countries with the use of nuclear weapons but that's a matter for another thread ...

the important point is that, not only must we prevent republicans from selling more fear for political gains, but we must not allow them to choose perpetual war, i.e. an attack on Iran, as a viable, near-term option ... just as they lied about WMD in Iraq, so are they lying about Iran's nuclear capabilities ...

Democrats should make a major campaign issue of these lies ... it's outrageous that after all the lies, not "bad intelligence" but lies, about WMD in Iraq that the republicans have the audacity to try the same garbage again with Iran ... their credibility is long gone and the American people will believe Democrats when we tell them bush is lying to scare us and to push for war with Iran ... a war with Iran would be absolutely catastrophic to any and all parties ... we must find a better way to resolve our differences ... and there is time to let a real negotiating process take place ... we Democrats need to not only be "tough on defense"; we need to be smart on defense as well ... sometimes the war you avoid makes you safer ...

let's not let the republican lying become deja vu all over again ...


U.N. inspectors investigating Iran's nuclear program angrily complained to the Bush administration and to a Republican congressman yesterday about a recent House committee report on Iran's capabilities, calling parts of the document "outrageous and dishonest" and offering evidence to refute its central claims.

Officials of the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency said in a letter that the report contained some "erroneous, misleading and unsubstantiated statements." <skip>

After no such weapons were found in Iraq, the IAEA came under additional criticism for taking a cautious approach on Iran, which the White House says is trying to build nuclear weapons in secret. At one point, the administration orchestrated a campaign to remove the IAEA's director general, Mohamed ElBaradei. It failed, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize last year. <skip>

Among the committee's assertions is that Iran is producing weapons-grade uranium at its facility in the town of Natanz. The IAEA called that "incorrect," noting that weapons-grade uranium is enriched to a level of 90 percent or more. Iran has enriched uranium to 3.5 percent under IAEA monitoring. <skip>

"This is like prewar Iraq all over again," said David Albright, a former nuclear inspector who is president of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. "You have an Iranian nuclear threat that is spun up, using bad information that's cherry-picked and a report that trashes the inspectors." <skip>
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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 06:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. e's 'Enery the Eighth, he is . . . n/t :)
Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 06:03 PM by OneBlueSky
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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 06:11 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. great catch ...
i sometimes wonder whether some of these are too obscure ...
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