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We MUST hit the R's hard and relentlessly!!!

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RBInMaine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 07:57 PM
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We MUST hit the R's hard and relentlessly!!!
My fellow Democrats, if the R's have learned anything they have learned that politics is, by its very nature, a brawl. Indeed to them it is a war, and they have learned how to use every effective tactic, good, bad, and ugly to win. Regardless of whether or not they have "stolen" recent elections, the point is that they also know how to organize damn well, they know how to frame their opponents and their messaging effectively, they know that negative advertising WORKS, they know how to turn a referendum on THEM into a referendum on US, and they know how to identify and get their voters to the polls in large numbers. In short, they know that electoral politics is a battle and they don't take prisoners. And like it or not, they WIN. And they are going to fight in this cycle as dirty and nasty as ever. In fact, they have already started and have vowed to be relentless. They again have oodles of money, and they are playing for keeps. Dems MUST begin right now that we can't wait another second before we GO ON OFFENSIVE!! You never ever win a war playing defense. We have an historic opportunity this fall, but only if we all understand that we must go out there and PERSUADE Dems, Greens, I's, and yes, even some R's, that the Republicans in office are corrupt failures who have screwed the country up royal and need to be thrown out on their ass. For God's sake, WE ARE OUT TO FIRE THE R's AND YOU DAMN DON'T MAKE A CASE FOR FIRING SOMEONE BY BEING "NICEY NICE". I am local Dem Party Vice Chair in Maine, and up here we're hitting the right wing R Gubernatorial candidate right in the ass. So Dems, if you want to win the very first thing you must do is get fire in your belly, put fire in your fellow Dems' bellies, and go out there in your campaign work intent on kicking some Republican ass. Please urge your party people and candidates not to play the old "nicey nice" crap that has killed us time and again, and don't just play "defense". NO! Get the hell on offense and, as Patton said, "Make the other poor bastard die for his cause.!! We can take NOTHING for granted no matter what the polls say about dissatisfaction with the direction of the country. We need to capitalize on that and go for the Republican jugular which is more than exposed. Now get out there in your canvasses
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daninthemoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 08:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. All I need is a place to be helpful. The county Dem party here in
Lawton,Oklahoma is run by what can only be an undercover rethug. We are very detached from any meaningful party organization here. Give me some options, because many of us here want to make a difference, but we have no outlet.
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RBInMaine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 05:24 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Sorry to hear that, but here are some options for you.
Dear Oklahoma Democratic Friend, thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear about dissatisfaction with the county party committee in Lawton. You might check to see if there are any city or town committees near you to work with, see if you can involved in the state committee, or even consider starting a local committee in your own town/city. Other options are to check out the following organizations and what they might be doing in and around your area: Democracy for America, America Coming Together, and Also, the DNC website has downloadable materials and kits you can use to get out and do things on your own. Of course there are all kinds of ways to do remote
pro-Dem work (i.e. help with phone banking, etc.) for Dems all around the country through the organizations I have listed here and others(though local/state work is preferable where possible). Other options are to look around at what local organizations like unions, peace-and-justice centers of any kind, progressive churches, etc. are doing on any local/state progressive referendums like raising the minimum wage, etc. (Are they trying to push the TABOR bill in Oklahoma? That's a good one to FIGHT AGAINST with teacher and firefighter unions.) Writing letters to the editor, blogging, going to Wesley Clark's site (I think it is WesPac) or John Kerry's or John Edwards' sites offer ways to do things from afar. No matter what you choose, doing ANYTHING possible to help Dems and take the fight to the heart of R's is what EVERY Dem MUST do in this critical cycle. Thanks again so much and best of luck.
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