FAIRFIELD, Conn. - Sen.
Joe Lieberman on Friday criticized Republicans who accuse Democratic critics of the Iraq war of encouraging terrorists, arguing such talk "demeans the freedom we are all fighting for."
This week, House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Democrats "are more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people." Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has raised the specter of Nazi appeasers in his attacks on war critics, part of the GOP's steady drumbeat of rhetoric contending Democrats are weak on national security.
"It is wrong for some on the right to imply that some Democrats don't care if the terrorists succeed, or that debating the merits of the president's policies on the war on terrorism emboldens our enemies," Lieberman said in a speech at Fairfield University.
"That kind of attack on the motives of our fellow Americans and our right to debate and dissent demeans the freedom we are all fighting for and divides and weakens us as a nation," he said.