(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham made a statement on the Presidential news conference Friday.
Graham also released a letter addressed to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asking for clarification of the United States response should a situation arise involving a CIA paramilitary operative captured in Iran and placed on trial in that country.
Graham's letter stated:
"This is a time for thoughtful, reasoned discussions. What we do today will affect the nation not only in our current war but in future wars as well.
"President Bush is sincere in wanting the tools necessary to protect the nation, including a viable CIA program. I share that goal and will provide those tools without eroding Geneva Convention protections necessary in this and future wars.
"The Senate legislation, for the first time, clearly defines what would be criminal conduct by the CIA in the War on Terror.
"It gives the CIA guidance that is long overdue. It also prevents CIA agents and their families from being sued for performing their duties on behalf of the nation.
"The legislation clearly states the only law used to create civil or criminal liability for the CIA will be American law, not foreign law.
"The legislation clears up confusion in American criminal law regarding detainee treatment standards and I am very proud of that fact.
"Protecting CIA agents and programs from ill-defined criminal prosecution and legal liability is something all Americans should strive to achieve. The Senate bill achieves these goals without destroying Geneva Convention protections for our troops.
"Weakening the Geneva Convention protections is an unnecessary step and will put our military members and others defending our nation at risk by jeopardizing the protections they currently are provided.
"What is being billed as 'clarifying' our treaty obligations will be seen as 'withdrawing' from the treaty obligations. It will set precedent which could come back to haunt us."