Of course The Path to 9/11 showed former president Clinton in a bad light. It was a right-wing propaganda piece. However, I don't see that whenever some Republiclown tries to use clips from Nowrasteh's waste of cinematography, a Democratic response team couldn't respond with a voice-over and graphics showing how Republiclown Congressman Howdy Bubba behaved after the East African embassy bombings, how Congressman Howdy Bubba (R) voted on authorizing the Clinton administration's security poses, or how Congressman Howdy Bubba (R) voted on the recommendations of the Hart Commission on airline security.
The US is heading down a long, dark, bleak road. The problem with all too many of us Democrats is that we are all too willing to cede control of recent political history to the right-wing Republican/"conservative" noise machine. After twelve years of Republican control of at least one house of Congress, six years of Republican control of both Congress AND the White House,we are seeing the results of allowing Newscorp, WND, NewsMax, Horowitz, Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest of the right-wing rogue's gallery to narrate our history.