---- You just have to look into it deeply enough. Why is it that politics breeds superficiality? Let's take this from the top, Ok?
---- On the surface, Bush's Social Security Privatization Plan appears to be an indictment of a system which was poorly-designed,.. an FDR pyramid scheme which has run the course of its geometric lifespan. But this begs the question of 26 years of federal borrowing from the system's contributions, beginning with Reagan in 1983,... the year that Carter's and Reagan's combined "rescue" measures finally got the system back into black ink. (For the record, Reagan's first appropriation of accumulating surpluses was a scant $140 million.)
---- But the amount of the annual surpluses grew rapidly,.. 12 years of Reagan-Bush gleaned every last dime to cover the numerical appearance of their deficit spending (they were the fiscal conservatives, remember?)... and Clinton, left with a record budget deficit, continued the practice. He should have removed the fund from the general revenue once he got the budget under control, but he did not. Gore offered a lockbox, and in financial terms, the very concept was anathema to Wall Street. Here is what they feared:
---- Had the SS trust fund never been touched since 1983, it would contain over $2 trillion (plus a certain amount of interest, of course) It would be the largest chunk of cash on Earth,... money to be cautiously invested, used for the common good, directed at problems besetting the American people. It could have financed alternative fuels research, medical breakthroughs and educational advancement. It could have hedged with precious metals. It could have done a lot of things,.. all while continuing to serve as the supplementary retirement fund, as well. It would have been the "peoples' credit union," and, properly managed, would have rivalled anything Wall Street could offer. "Ah,.. there's the rub."
---- The conflict over social security is nothing less than a conflict over what is proper in the "public vs. private" standoff. The corporatist establishment wants for everything, government included, to be privatized. They use the "freedom and free enterprise" crap to try and obliterate the American people's right to literally do anything they wish which is in their own best interests. "Let the market determine everything," they say,.... and NOTHING may happen unless someone makes a profit off it, eh? That is what we are up against,... and that is what the democrats must take a viable stand against. Is it "socialism," ... or is it just keeping rogue, opportunistic capitalism in its place? Well, even if it is both, there is nothing in the Constitution which forbids it.
---- Some eloquent democrat needs to take the podium, and graphically illustrate for the American public just how life could be if they were all mutual members in a credit union/annuity plan controlling,... oh,.. let's say $2.5 trillion in cold hard cash,and collecting another $500 billion or so every year. And, in fact, they ARE members in exactly that sort of group,.... except that their government has loaned all their money to itself. It is time to call in those loans.