"Swift Boat" financier Robert Perry has given $5 million to start "The Economic Freedom Fund" (
http://www.economicfreedomfund.com/index.html)...and their "contribution form" (
http://www.economicfreedomfund.com/EFF_ContributionForm.pdf) lists their "Treasurer," which is "Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP Attorneys and Counselors at Law" (
http://www.patriotproject.com/2006/09/robert_j_perry_1.phpThe Republican donor who helped bankroll the Swift Boat attacks on Democratic Sen. John Kerry's war record has given $5 million to a new group targeting Democratic candidates.
Bob J. Perry, a Texas homebuilder with close ties to White House advisor Karl Rove and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, recently made the hefty donations to the Economic Freedom Fund, a newly created California group.
The group is a so-called 527 that is not subject to conventional campaign finance restrictions and can spend unlimited amounts on election advocacy, similar to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. In the 2004 presidential race, the group of Vietnam veterans made unsubstantiated allegations challenging Kerry's record of wartime heroism.
So far, the new group which lists Perry as its sole donor has spent slightly more than $500,000 on television ads and mailings criticizing Democratic Reps. Jim Marshall of Georgia and Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, according to a disclosure form filed last week with the Federal Election Commission. ...
Economic Freedom FundP.O. Box 191005
Sacramento, CA 95819
Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLPAttorneys and Counselors at Law
455 Capitol Mall, Suite 801
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 442-7757
FAX (916) 442-7759
1321 Seventh Street, Suite 205
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 458-1405
FAX (310) 260-2666