This is amazing and a little scary just how they are doing this. They are glorifying Rahm and Ari, and ripping Howard Dean in such an obvious way.
They fail to mention in the audio that Dean has set fundraising records in an off year for the DNC. They also fail to mention that building the party in 50 states is a great GOTV effort in itself.
I see more of this coming, and it is tiring me already. article glorifies Rahm and his brother, Ari. Then off to the side there is something called Newsweek on the Air right there with the article pumping up Rahm. It has a picture of Howard Dean, and it is an audio doing the "some say" he is not competent.
But the worst part of the article is Rahm's bragging about his skills at digging into the depths of the big money world. I read that part at Sirota's blog, and I agree with him. I am beginning to wonder what happens if we win in 06 and 08. Will it just be more of same old corporations running our party even more?
It was a discouraging article to read.
This statement got to me:
As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, Emanuel teamed with Senate campaign chair Chuck Schumer to tap uncharted donor fields in the financial industry. "We're working outside of traditional banks," he says proudly, "into the private-equity world, the hedge-fund world, the distressed-debt world." These "worlds" know they are talking to a guy who not only runs the campaign committee, but who could be in the majority of the key financial committee—and maybe even majority leader.
And be sure to listen to the cute little audio clip. It is very short and sweet. You can't miss it. Newsweek glorifies Rahm and his brother and on the same page puts down Howard Dean. It is so obvious.
Here is a little more about Rahm. The move to declare the 50 State Strategy dead or unfocused or other beginning. It will be perpetuated by the media and by the Democrats who need corporate donations to survive.
Among Democrats, by contrast, national, Senate and House campaign units maintain their independence—and often behave like rival homies in an "Entourage" bar scene. Emanuel has clashed repeatedly with Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, whose "50-state" approach to organizing strikes Emanuel as disastrously unfocused. Only in the Democratic Party would campaign officials need to sign a written peace treaty, which Dean and Emanuel did last week. The national committee agreed to funnel $12 million of its cash into congressional get-out-the-vote efforts; Emanuel basically agreed (though not in writing) to shut up. He did so in an interview. "They want me to take my beta blockers," he says with a somewhat defiant shrug. "So I'm going to take my beta blockers, OK?" The disputes, he says, "have not hampered us."
Meaning his own clubhouse. A native of Chicago, Emanuel learned his politics from the legendary Daley family, with whom he remains close. The family lesson: take care of your own.
I don't mind rivalry in the party, but when Newsweek is so blatant it is scary.
One thing, the audio does mention that Ari Gold? on HBO's Entourage is supposed to be based on Ari Emanuel.