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Numbers for Red State Voters That Never Think For Themselves.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
NativeTexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 12:35 PM
Original message
Numbers for Red State Voters That Never Think For Themselves.
Edited on Mon Sep-18-06 12:42 PM by NativeTexan
This is a LTTE, that I wrote, that was printed in my local paper recently. Just thought I would share.

Maybe some actual numbers will make a few more people take notice of the U.S legacy in Iraq while country has been under Republican control:

Lives lost on American soil
on 9/11 - 2,749

American's killed fighting the GOP's
war against a country NOT involved
in 9/11 attacks - 2,683 (reported as of 9/17/06, and still

Deaths of Iraqi civilians that
the Republican-controlled government's
occupation was supposed to have
freed and were also not involved in
9/11 attacks - 43,000-47,000 (estimated and still climbing)

Value of Constitutional Rights
taken away from Americans, while
attempting to force Democracy
into cultures that didn't want it
in the first place - Priceless

And remember, while some people would say "tap my phones if you believe it is in the interest of national security, I don't have anything to hide", others might say, "come on into my house and take an inventory of all of the weapons in my possession, and take them if you believe it is all in the interest of national security, who am I to question the government?".

Sorry, neither is acceptable to a real "Patriot".

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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 12:42 PM
Response to Original message
1. "I don't have anything to hide"
I'm not doing anything wrong when I'm taking a dump, but I still close the bathroom door.

We all have plenty to hide. That does not mean we are guilty of anything.
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