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Rudy's black cloud - WTC health risks may hurt Prez bid

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 01:33 PM
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Rudy's black cloud - WTC health risks may hurt Prez bid
Edited on Mon Sep-18-06 01:34 PM by RamboLiberal

Since he appeared in Americans' living room as a figure of reassurance and grief five years ago, Rudy Giuliani's public image has been defined by his performance on Sept. 11, 2001.

The day has made him one of the country's most popular men, rich and the front-runner, according to some polls, for the GOP nomination for President.

But now his 9/11 aura is facing a challenge from critics who say he wasn't prepared for the attacks and downplayed health risks in the aftermath. His allies dispute the claims. But within his circle, some are worried that a political opponent could hit Giuliani where he's strongest.

"The term being used within Giuliani's circle is 'swift boat,'" said a Republican insider familiar with conversations among Giuliani's aides.

Excuse me, but when it is the truth it is not "Swiftboating"!
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Kutjara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 01:47 PM
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1. Yes it is.
Repugs inhabit a mirror world where black is white, ignorance is strength, good is bad, etc. Therefore, to them, 'swiftboating' means to tell the truth about someone's past. They honestly can't believe that anyone would have the gall to tell the bare-faced truth about them.
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Benhurst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 01:48 PM
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2. Rudy's unpopularity before 9/11, his sordid divorce, his moving
in with gay friends, his being photographed in drag, and his downplaying the health risks for rescuers ... Face it, he's going nowhere once the campaign starts in earnest.

If the Republicans manage to steal their fourth national election, look for Jeb Bush to emerge as the man on a white horse (since he, unlike his brother Dubya, is not scared to ride.)
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rocktivity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-18-06 02:01 PM
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3. Also, Rudy planned to sit on 9/11 donations to the city until April
Only a public outcry made him start disbursing them before the holidays. Now, it just so happens that April begins a new banking quarter--did he have special plans for the interest those donations would have earned?

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