Edited on Mon Sep-18-06 06:39 PM by Skip Intro
All the repukes would have to do is air an ad listing a few vague individuals that gave info under "extreme, but lawful, interrogation" that prevented "holocaustic" attacks on the "homeland" - notice the key words. Middle America would side with the tortureres in this case, imho. And insinuated, hell, probably screamed out loud, would be the message, "do you trust your family's lives to someone who is not willing to do whatever is necessary to keep them safe?"
We certainly can't condone torture - as a party or a nation, but are tv ads the best place to make this argument, right before an election? I don't think so.
We should keep the focus on Iraq, informing, in the words of repukes including bush himself, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9*11, that there were no wmds, and that, under bush, the nation has taken its focus off the real war on terrorism by waging an unecessary war on a nation that had nothing to do with 9*11. Not to mention our lack of securing at-risk sites at home. And the rating by DHS that New York had no at-risk targets. And the cutting of funds for DHS there, and other places inside the US.
We should also focus on domestic issues, noting that repukes, including bush himself, put forth a strong effort to kill Social Security. Show bush at his "town hall mettings" on his SS destruction tour, the babbling moments. Air ads on what they've done to Medicare. Followed with taglines of how the weathliest in the nation recieved huge tax cuts at the expense of the most needy, with whom this nation's government made a pact that the repukes have now broken.
Talk straight to the American people about the failed policies of the current regime.
But to have torture victims on tv ads I just think leaves us open to the "weak on defense" meme the repukes will clearly try, and already are trying, to lay at our feets.
just my $.02.