Maybe it is best to consider President Bush, Pope Benedict XVI, and even Osama bin Ladin as equivalent to being Dark Lords of the Sith. Like the evil emperor in Star Wars, they are empowered by your anger. Demonstrate to them that you are willing to carry out your anger to the extent of becoming violent, and you will end up fighting for their cause. Whether it is God-fearing radical right-wing Christians willing to go to war so that we can “fight them over there,” radical Islamists who wish to violently defend their prophet, or even radical Democrats who are so fed up that they have had it with peaceful activism and want to take it to the next stage – understand this: you would only be serving one singular purpose, that of impending worldwide fascism.
What is it that the neocon-controlled government, extreme right-wing Catholics and the remnants of the right-wing Muslim brotherhood have in common? Are they fighting for a holy cause, or they fighting something more insidious and destructive to their way of life: the threat of Marxism and the deconcentration of wealth? Are the western powers really interested in fighting against a violent jihad, or would they welcome it with open arms as a means for letting loose the destructive bombing power of American fighter jets, not (really) seen since the first Gulf War? Could it be that the Sith Lords are more afraid of an economic jihad, one that might turn the world they know and love inside out? Are bin Ladin and Ahmadinejad truly interested in defending their faith, or have they become deceptive icons leading their people toward violence and self-destruction?
I happen to be pro-capitalism myself, but I would never fight for the cause of the concentration of wealth and power to the extent that the current monsters in power are willing to take it.