Rove, also the shadowplay of this whole debate, and the startlingly illegal and immoral positions that the Bush Junta has asserted. I was thinking of this parallel: Asserting that burning witches will solve the problem of some people having too much knowledge of herbs or astronomy, then the "moderates" can come in and say, 'that goes too far, just burn their books, or pull off their fingernails.'
The fundamental IMMORALITY of the debate is never challenged.
But I part with you at the conclusion:
"Unfortunately, I don't believe most of the American people truly realize just how fucked-up we've really become over the last five years - or that they'll finally figure it out over the next two."
It's too easy to fall into the "sheeple" meme, that so many leftist commentators are guilty of, and there are a lot of facts that contradict it--so much so that I am convinced of the opposite: The American people are far better informed than anyone realizes; they have learned to "read between the lines"; and they are far more progressive than anyone gives them credit for, and have stuck to their progressive views despite relentless, 24/7 fearmongering and propaganda. For instance, 63% of the American people oppose torture "under any circumstances" (May '04). This stat nearly broke my heart. Really. "UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES." 63%! That is amazing. If you look at both the issue and approval polls over the last couple of years, what you find is astounding disagreement between the people and the Bush regime on nearly every important policy, foreign and domestic. You name it: torture, pre-emptive war, women's rights, Social Security, the deficit. And the numbers are way up in the 60% to 70% range.* Even this oft quoted stat that about 50% of Americans still believe that Saddam had WMDS and had something to do with 9/11 needs to be carefully examined, because the American people have CONSISTENTLY opposed the war on Iraq from way back before the invasion--56% opposed in Feb. '03. And what this tells me is that, a) some may believe Saddam had WMDs, but they did NOT agree with Bush that they posed a serious threat, nor that war was the way to handle the situation; and b) Saddam may have had something to do with 9/11, but it was minor and NOT worth a war. Upshot: Americans are TRYING--earnestly and genuinely--to figure out the truth, and to apply common sense in propagandistic situations, and they DON'T TRUST BUSH. Of that 56% opposed to the war back in Feb. '03, about half were against it outright, and the other half would only agree if it was a UN peacekeeping mission (i.e., international consensus that action was needed). They did not trust Bush's judgment of the situation.
I think we need to look elsewhere (than the gullibility of the American people) for an explanation of how this "debate" on torture could be taking place, for how fucked up the country is (or rather the country's leaders are), and why this may not change in the near future. And I believe the answer to be the deliberate, conscious disenfranchisement of the American people, during the 2002 to 2004 period, with the installation of Bushite corporate controlled electronic voting systems, run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, with virtually no audit/recount controls--a coup engineered by the two biggest brooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney, and abetted by corporatist Democrats like Christopher Dodd, via the so-called "Help America Vote Act." This horrible piece of legislation appropriated over $3 billion, to corrupt, bribe and entice election officials around the country into buying this extremely insecure and insider hackable voting technology. Unregulated lavish lobbying went along with it. And the boondoggle billions got poured into the pockets of Diebold (headed by a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser), ES&S (a spinoff of Diebold, initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gives to extremist 'christian' groups that, among other things, tout the death penalty for homosexuals), and Sequoia (which employs a former Repub Sec of State and his chief aide--who brought this election theft technology to California--to peddle their machines). Together, Diebold and ES&S controlled 80% of the nation's votes in 2004.
A MIND-BOGGLING scam that, essentially, destroyed our right to vote--and involved the active intention to do so by the Bushites (Delay, for instance, prevented a paper trail requirement for electronic voting from ever getting out of committee), and probably mostly passive corruption by the corporatist Democrats and local/state election officials.
On THIS issue, the American people WERE "sheeple"--asleep at the wheel, too trusting of "the system"--but, egads, I have to say it was forgivable, given the odds stacked against their finding out, including: a) a complete blackout on news of this in the war profiteering corporate news monopolies; b) the incomprehensible silence of the Democratic Party leadership; and c) the speed with which it was done--the $3 billion fast-tracked this entirely UNTESTED system into place before anyone knew about it. The silent killer. Even some of the election reformers have placed the wrong emphasis on all the outrageous vote suppression activity (Bushite officials against poor voters) in Ohio and other places--to the detriment of people understanding the REAL coup, the manufacture of Bush's popular majority in small percentages of votes stolen and/or disappeared in many states. Without that widespread vote stealing ability, the 2004 election would never have "come down to Ohio" as the pivotal Electoral Vote state. Kerry would have won it, running away--long before that. Kerry DID win it. All the statistical and anecdotal evidence points that way. But the Bushites had created the perfect fascist voting system--one that is non-transparent and unverifiable. And the Democratic Party leadership then placed an "Iron Curtain" over any news or talk of election fraud (and so, of course, did the corporate news monopolies).
So, what we have, I think, is a terribly demoralized, disempowered and, above all, disenfranchised population. Most people want to do the right thing, and have strong views and good instincts as to policy. Most people want good government. Most people (ranging from 60% to 70%) despise the Bush Junta, and disagree with it on virtually everything. A whopping 84% oppose any U.S. participation in a widened Mideast war (a poll recently posted at DU)--with Bush still saber-rattling at Iran! And we seem to be able to do nothing about it. This is why. We have been surreptitiously deprived of the power of the vote--our main means of exercising our sovereignty as a people. And, KNOWING THIS, the Bushites can get away with bloody murder. No administration in the history of our country has been this oblivious to public opinion. The Bushites are, in fact, IMMUNE to it--because they know they have something like a 5% to 10% "thumb on the scales" in their favor from Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia. (And if you look into how our elections are now run, you will see how EASY this is for them to do--one hacker, a couple of minutes, leaving no trace--and thousands of votes can be changed. They can even create a vote-changing virus that hops from machine to machine, without human intervention. In one third of the country, there is NO PAPER TRAIL AT ALL. In the rest, zero or inadequate auditing. It is a total scam!)
The key to turning the country around is getting rid of these highly riggable voting systems. Step One. Without transparent elections, the will of the people is paralyzed. We cannot effect a change of course. We cannot remedy wrongs. We cannot see to our own interests as a country. Even with transparent elections we have problems (for instance, a filthy campaign contribution and lobbying system), but without them, we have no hope at all of change, and even our good representatives have to live in fear of fascist retribution, stolen elections, "swift-boating" and other evils. This is the one thing we MUST change. How to do it?
Massive absentee ballot voting this fall. If enough people do it--if everyone who despises the Bush Junta votes by Absentee Ballot--this tyranny by secretly programmed electronic voting machine will be OVER.
BOYCOTT the machines--vote by Absentee Ballot!