by Alexander Bolton 9/20/06
"Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe has told business associates and Democratic donors that he will chair Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) presidential campaign next year, according to several Democratic sources.
"Together, Clinton, the favorite to win the Democratic nomination, and McAuliffe, the top money man in Democratic politics, have a good chance of raising $100 million before the first official contest, the Iowa caucuses in January 2008.
"While Clinton and her staff insist she is focused solely on winning reelection in New York this November, the decision over who will be in charge of getting her elected to the White House is already settled.
"McAuliffe told The Hill yesterday that Clinton has not made a decision on running for president and will not do so until after Nov. 7. McAuliffe also denied telling friends that he will serve as chairman, although sources contradict him.
Terry McAuliffe ought to be drummed out of the Democratic Party. Aside from Bilderberg 'Democrat' Christopher Dodd, McAuliffe is THE 'Democrat' most responsible for Bushite corporations gaining control of our election system, with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, and virtually no audit/recount controls, during the 2002-2004 period--a fascist coup engineered by the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney, and FACILITATED by the MIND-BOGGLING SILENCE of the Democratic Party leadership, if not their outright collusion and corruption.
And that's the end of what little hope I had for Hillary Clinton, as a potential "good government" Democrat who could be lobbied on the matter of transparent elections and our right to vote--if she were to be Diebolded into office (as I at one time expected--and it's still possible; lots of reasons the fascists would want her in, for one thing to start taking the blame for all Bush horrors, and to get a Draft for the corporate oil war). But her association with McAuliffe--that he will be DIRECTING her campaign!--ends that hope. It will be corporate control of our election results all the way with Hillary. We may still want to try, if they Diebold her in. But, in that case, our main strategy for election reform should remain focused on state/local election venues, since no solution concocted with the collusion of Terry McAuliffe, or anyone who could associate with him after what he did to the grass roots of the Democratic Party, and to our country and our democracy, will be of any use in restoring transparent elections. It will have poison pills (such as federalization of elections--centralized control)--or will be entirely inadequate, yet given the name of "reform" (for instance, jettisoning of the touchscreens, but retention of the optiscans and central tabulators, both of which use TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY software and are highly riggable).
This is very bad news, indeed. Of course I know what a corporatist Hillary is. I have no illusions about that. And she no doubt wants to preside over the U.S. occupation of the entire Middle East, afer the Bush thugs kick their way further in. But I did have hopes that we might get quick and real reform of the election system--for the sake of the future--if she were president. My reason: She and Charles Schumer were the ONLY two U.S. Senate Democrats who voted against the infamous "Help America Vote Act" (the bill that destroyed our democracy, by fast-tracking untested electronic voting with over $3 billion in boondoggle funding, straight into the pockets of Bushite corporations, through the fingers of corrupt Republican and Democratic election officials and legislators throughout the land.) Go figure. The ONLY two Senate Dems who opposed it! This possibly has something to do with NY Dems wanting to hang onto their old, reliable, and virtually unriggable lever voting machines. (The Bushite Feds are now trying to pry NYers' fingers off these dependable dinosaurs, in favor of secretly programmed Bushite machines.)
An impressive vote--flying in the face of all her other votes and policies. But McAuliffe. Jeez. No way. She might as well have Wally O'Dell or Howard Ahmanson as her campaign chair. Or Karl Rove. That's my opinion of McAuliffe--criminally negligent, very corrupt, and a threat to our weakened and failing democracy.