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Trying to create a mass email. RE: paper ballots and why the average

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Maraya1969 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 11:11 AM
Original message
Trying to create a mass email. RE: paper ballots and why the average
person should take action. Most people on my email list are not that heavily into politics. I want to get an email out that makes people want to sign the petition to Congress at and to demand a paper receipt when they vote. And hopefully we can post an email here that others can send around to their lists. Any suggestions would be appreciated, (even if you think I should change my wording - which I am not crazy about). Here is what I have so far.

Subject: Important voting information!

This video shows how easy it is to manipulate a vote using the electronic voting machine. We will never have a legitimate election unless a paper trail is made to substantiate the claims made at the end of the voting day. This is dangerous for Republicans and Democrats alike.

Think of a lack of paper trail for an election as buying a large item at a department store for several hundred dollars and not getting a receipt for your purchase. If the item is flawed you have no re-course. The store gets to keep your money and you are stuck with a flawed product. Most people would never consider buying a large ticket item that will not come with a receipt of purchase.

Your vote is the same. It only counts when it is made to count. And you can make it count by demanding a receipt of your vote.
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
1. Not just demand a receipt
Demand that the receipt be placed in a ballot box where it can be stored safely and recounted if necessary.
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