Five new additions that I have found-going back to 1998.
See below for the link to the original thread.
Senator George Allen (R-VA)
Conservative Political Action Conference
Washington, DC 9, 2006
Ladies and gentlemen. Patriots all! Good evening!
Allen Philosophy
As many of you know, I grew up in a coach’s family. As such, I was raised on the four Fs of Life: Faith, Family, Freedom and Football!
But I say, remember Ronald Reagan who changed all the dynamics of the Cold War, which went on for nearly fifty years. Reagan didn’t think you could appease, co-exist, and accommodate the Soviet Union. He changed the dynamics in favor of the advancement of freedom. And now, because of Ronald Reagan—along with Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul the Second—there are millions of people in Central and Eastern Europe who were locked behind that Iron Curtain, who are now tasting that
sweet nectar of liberty, and they are our friends and allies. He persevered, and freedom prevailed.
Today, because of Ronald Reagan, there are literally hundreds of millions of people who were once locked behind the Iron Curtain living in countries we now know as free countries--Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, former East Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and added countries such as Ukraine and Georgia, which are now tasting that
sweet nectar of liberty as opposed to being behind the Iron Curtain.
Today, thanks to Ronald Reagan, as I saw Ambassadors on
the House floor from Lithuania, from Romania, throughout Central
Europe--those were hundreds of millions of people who were behind the
Iron Curtain. But, thanks to Ronald Reagan's perseverance, for his
belief in the dignity of all human beings, that all people do yearn to
be free, to exercise their God-given rights, those people who were
behind that Iron Curtain, who were enemies, are now tasting that
nectar of liberty.Remarks of Governor George Allen to the Heritage Foundation 9, 1998
And as challenging as it is to advance the cause of freedom right here at home, in North Korea…China…and Iraq…and Cuba…and in other countries, there are people who have never even tasted the
sweet nectar of freedom. And there are other tyrants and despots and terriorists, who fear democracy and freedom of religion, and who would snuff out the
flame of liberty if they could. But they must not.
Senator George Allen
NH Federation of Republican Women's Lilac Luncheon
Radisson Center of New Hampshire
Manchester, NH 25, 2005
The result is that there are hundreds of millions of people from Lithuania on down to Romania and Bulgaria, who are now leading free lives, tasting that
sweet nectar of liberty. They are friends; they are allies because of that perseverance. And in the midst of this global war on terror and hate, we must stick by our troops; we must persevere for our principles. Our president understands that and we must move forward with our ideas and our principles so that America continues to be that shining city on the Hill.
If you google "Sweet Nectar of Liberty" (for some reason) the first link is
this DU thread.
Condi Rice’s confirmation hearing
1/19/05 Because of President Reagan's steadfast determination, hundreds of millions of people tasting that
sweet nectar of liberty in central Europe are now friends and allies," said Senator Allen.
On the 2004 election
10/10/2004 Ronald Reagan's election changed the dynamic of the Cold War from one of containment and co-existence to the advancement of freedom. As a result, hundreds of millions of people in Central Europe, once behind the Iron Curtain, now taste the
sweet nectar of liberty, have joined NATO, and are true friends and allies.
Senator Allen's Tribute to President Reagan
June 8, 2004 But President Reagan believed the blessings of liberty must not be bestowed only on a few nations and only to those blessed to be born on free soil; Ronald Reagan, with the strength of his convictions, exported and advanced democracy to continents, countries, and people yearning to taste the
sweet nectar of liberty.
August 28, 1998 He also pointed to North Korea, China, Iraq, Cuba and other countries where "there are people who have never truly tasted
freedom's sweet nectar.