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Bush flip flops (read: lies) on bin Laden and Pakistan

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 07:56 PM
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Bush flip flops (read: lies) on bin Laden and Pakistan
Bush today:

Bush says would go after bin Laden in Pakistan

2 hours, 38 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
President George W. Bush said on Wednesday if he had firm intelligence that Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan, he would issue the order to go into that country after the al Qaeda leader.

His statement drew an immediate response from Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, who said Pakistan would handle such a situation itself. Musharraf is extremely sensitive about possible foreign military intervention inside his borders.

Bush last week:

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Earlier this week, you told a group of journalists that you thought the idea of sending special forces to Pakistan to hunt down bin Laden was a strategy that would not work.


Q Now, recently you've also --

THE PRESIDENT: Because, first of all, Pakistan is a sovereign nation.

Q Well, recently you've also described bin Laden as a sort of modern day Hitler or Mussolini. And I'm wondering why, if you can explain why you think it's a bad idea to send more resources to hunt down bin Laden, wherever he is?

THE PRESIDENT: We are, Richard. Thank you. Thanks for asking the question. They were asking me about somebody's report, well, special forces here -- Pakistan -- if he is in Pakistan, as this person thought he might be, who is asking the question -- Pakistan is a sovereign nation. In order for us to send thousands of troops into a sovereign nation, we've got to be invited by the government of Pakistan.

Bush continues his say anything, Katrina foreign policy.

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John Gauger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 07:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. Bush lies
What's new? He had never told us the truth about the War on Terror.
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