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Bill Seidman thinks we (dems) are gonna lose in November.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Joe for Clark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 05:50 PM
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Bill Seidman thinks we (dems) are gonna lose in November.
The guy is a good accountant -has a good firm the other side of the hill from me. Ran the savings and loan bail outs. He is good.

But I have never seen such a miscalculated judgement in my life.

I am an accountant, too. I think he is a very smart guy - he is - but such a misjudgement of sentiment!!!

There are a few ways to look at it, I suppose. But the main thing is - who exacly is motivated enough to vote in November?? That is the million dollar question that - no matter how much money you have - cannot be determined until that very day.

Well, I know I will vote and you will vote - and I think there are more than a few people who are at this point embarrassed by the vote they cast in 2004 that won't. You know - "W" voters.

I do think we should have a lot of monitors this year at the polls, I do - given the 2004 "results" - But I also know - They will get their ass kicked here - and give a whole new meaning to "run out on a rail" politics.

In a 21st century way .


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AX10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 05:52 PM
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1. It's sounds like your "friend" is a Repub.
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Joe for Clark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:01 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I have a lot of friends that were republicans - family too -
not any more though.

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John Gauger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:08 PM
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3. I don't know
I have been following the predictions whenever I see one, and they are mostly in the Republicans' favor. I really don't know why so many Republicans' are winnin their races. I do know that I live in a safe GOP district that for the past ten or twelve years only had one candidate. This is the first year in a very long time that a Democrat is running in this destrict - I beleive in the entire time that lived here. I think that may be a good sign. Yesterday one of his supporters said that for such a conservative area - one of the most conservative in the country - we have a lot of support. By the way, I met our Dem yesterday. I must say he is very cool. He is liberal on every issue that came up. I didn't ask him about impeachment because I was instructed not to - a friend of mine said that that really hurt at least one Dem in the primaries, causing him to lose. I didn't want to ask him - Dr. Avillo, the candidate - about it at a public rally for that reason. I don't know when will be my next opportunity to ask him. He has been against this war from the very beginning, though. I think that that is a good indication of where he stands on impeachment. He became notable in 1991 for opposed Gulf War I as an imperialist war for oil.
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Joe for Clark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. It is a great observation.
Edited on Thu Sep-21-06 06:21 PM by Joe for Clark
I don't think you are alone at all.

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ChiciB1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:24 PM
Response to Original message
5. Okay... I Think I Know Where He's Coming From Myself....
I'm very politically active, locally and almost every place and have been for a very long time. I volunteer and talk politics with almost everyone I meet. I try to engage everyone in what they think and try to get them to vote.

But I have run into a brick wall too many times lately! This may not be the case all over, but down here where I live so many people are opting out on voting. I haven't given up and try to be persistent in reminding them that NOT to vote would just be handing the other side the election on a platter. Unfortunately, too many say they don't trust the electronic voting machines, especially ours that have no paper trail, so I tell them to vote absentee. I even get arguments about not trusting absentee voting because there have been rumors that the votes aren't even counted.

And even though I still vote, I myself had to talk myself into voting in the last primary! I don't tell others that, but I DO understand exactly where they're coming from. If people are politically active and they are turned off by what has gone on, I fear that many less active people just won't vote! As I said I had to talk myself into voting too and my reason was that at least I KNOW I voted, but if I were truly honest I don't really know if my vote got counted. I realize that where I live has a LOT to do with it, but still this is something that is out there.

If we can't get people out to vote.... then YES WE WILL LOSE! We may still lose in another fraudulent election, but too many have been burned and just have lost all HOPE AND TRUST! I'm on the schedule to make phone calls this coming Monday and believe me, I'm NOT looking forward to it! Each time I dial a number I kind of wonder what kind of reaction I'm going to get!!

Through all the scandals, lies, corruption and slime with these people running the country, there has been very little done to "fix" anything! Very few people have actually had to face the music for all that has happened and it does "trickle" down and says.... You Can't Fight City Hall!

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Joe for Clark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. I don't know where you live.
I am saying - I live in the West San Fernando Valley - It is prety damn conservative here.

I go to get gas - literally true - and guys 60-70-80 say some pretty nasty things about "this administration" before they pay - says a hell of alot.

You keep going - most people aren't going to say anything. However, its how they vote that counts. Its not if they vote dem - its if they bother to show up to vote the other way that is really gonna count.

I don't believe they will show up if they think they screwed up in 2004. Most know they did.

You keep going!!

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ChiciB1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #7
10. Sorry For The Late Reply... I Was A Little Exasperated By
re-thinking this situation and not feeling quite able to find the real "key" to motivate others and myself too! However, I have made up my mind that I'll stick it out ONE MORE TIME!

You see, I live waaaaaay across the country from you. Down here in Jebby country, and my representative has been Cruella for 6 long years! There are days when you just want to scream and holler at the stupidity of what has happened, then you buck up and kind of "flip them off" intellectually and go back in the ring to fight!!

You know how we all say we KNOW exactly where we were and what we were doing when Kennedy got shot? How America kind of went into shock for quite some time, how the school speakers announced what happened and even if you didn't quite understand all of it until you talked with friends and parents, you just kind of knew in the pit of your stomach that it was a bad, bad thing.

Well I have a vivid memory of when I felt that kick in the pit of my stomach again, but this time I knew very quickly what a bad, bad thing it was! That night in November when all was going so well for Al Gore, the TV stations called FLORIDA FOR GORE.... I ran outside to my neighbors and hollered in her window "We Won, We Won" Al Gore got elected, it's over. Jumping up and down, whooping it up and I was giddy! After that outburst, I came back home and what I saw on my TV was The Idiot sitting up in Tallahassee with his shrewd underhanded brother and family looking like, WAIT, WAIT.... something went wrong. That puzzled look we see so often from this MORAN most of the time, and very soon the announcement by the TV stations saying "No, we are getting different information out of Florida, it seems there must be a mistake." And then it began and it's just gotten worse as each month has passed, and it still has no end! I have THAT day burned into my brain and knew even before they started counting chads that we had just been screwed.... BIG TIME!! I knew it then and have been on the outside looking in ever since. Even though I felt America was in for some heavy duty crap, who could have ever known the extent of their greed and corruption???

HOPE has become a 4-letter word for me, and TRUST is not even in my vocabulary anymore! But I haven't let go of this little branch I caught on the way down, and there are days I'm sure it will break and that will be it... but it's still holding me here. Either that or I'm a COMPLETE fool who doesn't know how to get out of the rain!!!

Now, I'm gonna call it a night, have my exercise class tomorrow and need to get some rest to make it through my routines! Sorry if I made anyone depressed, but if we had no DU or other outlets to vent I wonder what we would have done???

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acmejack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 07:02 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. God you are so right-we must GOTV!
I hate to phone bank. I should, I will. It is something I can do-It really is all I can do now that I am disabled. I used to block walk, but now I am home bound.
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blue cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:36 PM
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6. I think we should all go to the polls
and see what is going on, even if we vote absentee, to take photos, etc. We should be prepared for a lot of problems with the voting machines. One of us might witness something suspicious and take it to the media. I'm taking the day off. I was thinking about working at the polls but I may have waited too late.
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Joe for Clark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Great idea!!
I'm taking the day off. Im going to watch, too.

Lets take the day off just like blue cat!!!!

You know - they can't cheat if we are looking - really.



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ChiciB1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #6
11. I'm Planning On Being There.... Doing A Stint Working The Polls
as a helper. I think with some younger people, like younger than 75.... it's Florida after all, maybe a keener eye might see something. Who knows?

We really need to get younger people really involved and I do try.
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