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The Liberal Terrorist Bloggers Are Coming!

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BlogBox Donating Member (95 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 08:40 PM
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The Liberal Terrorist Bloggers Are Coming!
This week's hot blog topics: Edjumacationizing is the key to stopping terrorism; George Felix "Macaca Man" Allen hates being Jewish... unless it means he can use it to attack Dems; Jeff Gannon gets canned (and not in a good way); The Swiftboaters' PR firm also works for John McCain and several other prominent Republicans. Plus, liberal bloggers should be waterboarded. Psst! Based on BushCo policies, Michele Malkin is the real terrorist. Much, much more... enjoy!

So Long, Hotline!

Did you know that liberal bloggers are "akin to terrorists," that VA senate candidate Jim Webb is the puppet master of all liberal bloggers, and that Josh Marshall (who's Jewish) is an anti-Semite? Me either. But that's what Hotline just published. AMERICABlog's John in DC has the sordid details, and the comments after the blog post are golden. So... so long. Hotline. Your fifteen minutes are definitely over.

As of today, William Rivers Pitt hasn't been called a terrorist, but he's probably next. Pitt notes that it's time to swiftboat the swiftboaters.

Back to "Jewish anti-Semite" Josh Marshall: TPM Muckraker connects the swiftboat money man to the swiftboat PR machine. Citing the connection, The Patriot Project makes the case for swiftboating the swiftboaters and lists the PR firm's clients:

National 527's
Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth

Governor George Allen (Virginia)
Governor Lincoln Almond (Rhode Island)
Governor Matt Blunt (Missouri)
Governor Bob Taft (Ohio)
Governor George Voinovich (Ohio)

U.S. Senator George Allen (Virginia)
U.S. Senator Mike DeWine (Ohio)
U.S. Senator Pete Domenici (New Mexico)
U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald (Illinois)
U.S. Senator Bill Frist (Tennessee)
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
U.S. Senator John McCain (Arizona)
U.S. Senator Don Nickles (Oklahoma)
U.S. Senator George Voinovich (Ohio)

Hmm. Obvious much? But that's not why Marshall was labeled an anti-Semite. This is why:

But this is where the Allen campaign is at the moment: the guy who hangs out with white supremacist groups, randomly comes up with syllable combinations that happen to also be racial slurs when he wants to call out brown people and has some real issue with his Jewish ancestry that makes him come up with ridiculous fibs to the effect that he was the last one to discover his grandfather was Jewish - that guy is calling out his opponent for using anti-Semitism as a tool of his campaign.

Add Fishbowl DC to that list of liberal terrorist bloggers. They're reporting that the Republican White House's favorite Republican gay porn website owner/escort/"reporter" has been canned by the Washington Blade's new executive editor. Hmm. Ya have to wonder who Gannon's next sugar daddy will be.

Who Thinks Torture Isn't Wrong?

Obvious answer. On the torture front, liberal blogger/terrorist RenaRF at Kos calls Bush "A Clear And Present Danger." To support such an accusation, she offers a transcript excerpt and a video of U.S. Constitution scholar extraordinaire Jonathan Turley, explaining the president's immoral and illegal torture policy to Keith Olbermann:

I'm shocked and I'm not. We all knew it was going on. We'd hear the Abu Ghraib stories and the rendition stories but nothing was ever concretely hung around the President's neck - yet Turley is saying that information is coming out (he thinks) that will show definitively that the President ordered it. Be still my heart.

Olbermann gets right to the heart of the issue:

OLBERMANN: How serious would that be for the President? Are there elements of the Constitution that refer to international treaties that make an American President violating international agreements like that liable or subject to criminal action within this country, let alone internationally?

TURLEY: It is a violation of both domestic and international law. But more importantly, torture is a moral under every major religion. That you cannot fight a moral war with immoral means. And if we're ready to embrace immoral means, if that's how we're going to fight this war, then we have lost. And no one will come to our aid. We will be alone. And that's what happens when you become - in the view of many - an enemy to the rule of law. And we cannot afford that to happen (sic).

In a diary I wrote yesterday, I tried, inartfully, to put my arms around the moral questions and the Golden Rule and commented on the irony and hypocrisy of our messianic President forgetting that one truism. But Turley - with that one response above - put it all in context. Why it's wrong. Why it matters. What will happen if we do this wrong thing. Where we'll be - and how alone we'll be as we stand there.

And we'll deserve it.

Oh, by the way... Michelle Malkin is the real terrorist. At least, that's the only sane conclusion one can draw if BushCo's "giving aid and comfort to terrorists" schtick is accepted as our official U.S. foreign policy. Glenn Greenwald has the 411 on the queen of 9/11 BS-O-Logic:

Well beyond satire

Michelle Malkin is extremely upset because three convicted Christian terrorists in Indonesia are going to be executed despite -- in Michelle's words -- "grave doubts raised over the fairness of the trial." The title of her post is "Muslims will execute Christians" -- by which she means that the Government of a predominantly Muslim country will execute three defendants who happen to be Christian, because they also happen to have been convicted in a trial in an Indonesian court of law "of masterminding a massacre of 200 Muslims in Poso."

Michelle favorably links to this article from Asia News which reports -- and I'm not making this up -- that the lawyers for the three convicted Terrorists:

will take their case before the International Criminal Court in Geneva, as per a human rights convention ratified by Jakarta, to safeguard the three men's right to life and to denounce irregularities of Indonesian trials.

Michelle, and an equally outraged Gateway Pundit (to whom she links), both provide contact information to protest on behalf of the Terrorists and to help those organizations trying to secure them a stay of execution and a new trial.

So how do you stop terrorism? The Hollywood Liberal quotes the president:

Psst! This is only one of many panels The Hollywood Liberal created to "honor" Bush's edjumacationizing to stop terrorism plan. Check out the rest!

Let's Play "Hide The R!"

If you live in the DC/MD/NOVA area, you're already being blitzed by Maryland Republican senate candidate Michael Steele's campaign commercials, which by the way are just a rip off of the way cool ads by DC Democratic Mayoral candidate, Adrian Fenty. Anyway, nowhere in any Steele (R-Paid To Run With Ehrlich) ad will you see or hear the R word. Now why do you suppose that is? Chris Cilliza (The Fix) does the math and doesn't see any scenario in which Steele can beat Ben Cardin on November 7th. Of course, this is a corporate media blog, so be prepared for a typical "Dems should win, but Republicans might just pull this off" blog post ending. And stay for the comments. They're gems!

Elections & The Price Of Gas

Think Republicans in trouble have nothing to do with the price of gasoline? Gman has the charts for several states with and without trailing Republican incumbents. Coincidence? At the very least, one of those things that makes you go hmmmmm in a mid-term election year. Psst! Keep in mind when you check out the charts that we haven't heard squat about "strong" Republicans polling well this year.

Election Defections

The number of R's changing to I's and even D's is swelling like snakebite wounds this year. Most telling is the outright defiance of three Ohio powerhouse Republicans, who have scuttled J. Kenneth Blackwell's gubernatorial ambitions by throwing their support to Democrat Ted Strickland. Steve Gillard at The News Blog has the details.

Looking for constant updates on individual races? TPM's Election Central is the site to bookmark for polls and news articles as we near November 7th. Right now, Chocola (R-Indiana) is trailing Donnelly (D) by 8 points. More goodies at the site. Enjoy!

School For Thoughtlessness

The Watcher (at Fundie Watch) is following the case of a transsexual teacher who's being labeled "a risk to students," even though the school system seems to be supportive of the teacher. The Watcher notes that Bob Knight (with the Culture and Family Institute) thinks the school district is showing "contempt" toward the parents. Note to fundie parents: this is why GAWD invented fundie private schools, y'all... so you can shield your precious offspring from reality and the teachings of the real Jesus. Get it? Got it? Good.

YouTube's Future

I'm not worried yet. And Mother Jones' legal department must not think that Uiversal Music has much of a copyright infringement case; otherwise MoJoBLOG wouldn't have posted this YouTube video of Letterman's Top Ten George W. Bush Moments:

Speaking of YouTube, pass the popcorn and watch Jon Stewart disembowel Bob Novak:

Vote Stealing Made Easy

Princeton researchers now know that hacking the vote is way easier than stealing candy from a baby. No witnesses to worry about. Watch the videos and see for yourself. So much for that "I want a receipt" mantra. When they're not stealing votes, watch out for their distraction tactics. WatchBlog has a great list of "small, shiny objects to distract voters." Click for the list but stay for the comments!

Thank A DUer!

Thanks to MagickMuffin for this great graphic:

To Old Crusoe for suggesting these Bush press conference questions:

"If you knew John McCain had fathered an illegitimate child with a black woman, would you be more or less inclined to veto his bill which enjoys more support in the Senate than your pro-torture bill?"

"When you leave office, will you return to your origins in New England?"

"Historically, it's often a bad sign when military personnel question their commander-in-chief. Any chance that history is repeating itself, and the military commanders are right and you're wrong?"

"Angela Merkel publicly questioned the moral basis for black sites. Does she need another neck massage?"

"So how's that Mars initiative coming along?"

And to NRaleighLiberal, for posting this:

See George....See George bounce!!!!!

Bush Job Approval
Sept 2005 - Current
Approve Disapprove

Sep 18 41 58
Sep 17 41 57
Sep 16 44 54
Sep 15 45 53
Sep 14 47 50
Sep 13 45 52
Sep 12 44 54
Sep 11 41 57

Bounce, George, Bounce!!!! (includes a spectacular 42% strongly disapprove!).

So, boys and girls, can you say Dead Cat Bounce?!?!?!

numbers courtesy of Rasmussen, your right wing leaning pollster!

Bookmark alert: Writings on the Wall is hosting Carnival Of The Liberals #22 on Sept. 27th. Don't miss it!

This was the blog week that was. Desperate Republicans are slinging their Rovian feces, hoping enough will stick for them to hang onto power. Meanwhile, if there's an R after your last name, you're probably considering changing it, and it's oh-so-obvious that liberal bloggers are taking a bite out of that well-oiled Rovian slime machine. Think about it. Act on it. And take your own big old bite out of their... um, asshattery, y'all. We have so much more to lose and everything to gain by booting the R's out.

-- Delilah Boyd
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murdoch Donating Member (658 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-21-06 09:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. swift boat veterans
One thing I noticed about (Rove's) Swift Boat Veterans is all but one of them were officers (the non-officer was Special Forces). Kerry's Swift Boat friends were enlisted men who were in the field. Some of those officers had never been in a Swift Boat, so them calling themselves Swift Boat veterans is yet another twisting of the truth.
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PurpleChez Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 06:20 AM
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2. Re: School for Thoughtlessness
Having been a bible belt resident for almost nine years now, one of the most maddening hypocrisies of the fundies is that they:

1) yammer on and on about how strong their faith is, and
2) yammer on and on about how evil 'big government' is, but

C) in actuality they require constant reinforcement of their narrow belief system, and they fully expect gov't at all levels to assist them in the effort.

It's not enought that they can pray whenever, why ever, wherever, and to whom ever they please: if they are not given a public forum in which others might see them praying they'll start bawling about how the forces of secularism are conspiring against them. They need to put on big dog and pony prayer shows in public schools, at high school football games, etc., so that their righteousness will be evident to all their neighbors. It's not enough that they have their own weirdo fundie schools. They need to control everything so that they can eradicate anything that challenges their frightened little world view.
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Raster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 12:32 PM
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3. Call me crazy, call me blind...where is the Gannon stuff?
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