Dear Editor:
I applaud this editorial. I think you point out the major problems with the torture "compromise" made yesterday between the White House and Senators McCain, Warner and Graham. I think, however, the editorial misses one major issue, and it is huge.
If, indeed, Congress passes into law a measure that would immunize U.S. personnel who have in the past abused detainees, that could trigger international enforcement mechanism built into the UN Convention Against Torture (CAT). That might cause a serious confrontation down the road between the U.S. and the world diplomatic and legal communities. We would want Congress, when it scripts a final Bill, to remove any language that suggests an intent to grant such immunity.
Sincerely -
DU readers might want to read my post at DKOS, which describes the mandatory sanctions mechanism contained in the CAT that would be triggered by an attempt to grant immunity for past acts of torture. See,