It's Friday afternoon, and you know what THAT means...
NEWS DUMP!!!Ordinarily, I let these news dumps come and go, because I often feel we are the only ones who know what's really going on anyway, so most of the rest of America won't even notice that the news they most need to keep aware of is released, or "dumped" Friday night through Saturday. This week is different. This week, the Republican-led Congress voted IN OUR NAME to allow President Bush to have his way on the Detainee Bill. That means, IN OUR NAME, The Geneva Conventions are on life-support, and TORTURE is on the menu.
Here are just SOME of the stories being "dumped this afternoon" by the gutless Corporate Media. These are the stories the rest of America will probably never hear about, if the Republicans get their way... and most of the time they do!:
McCain praises terrorism detainee deal Graham Censured by Army Court Abuse Can ContinueSenators won't authorize torture, but they won't prevent it, either. Dept. Amends Remark on Torture Case Conason: Opponents of Torture Are True Patriots Blumenthal:The torture battle royal The public violation of the Geneva convention has created a schism between the president and military,,1877301, We've Sunk to Osama's Level,15202,114304,00.htmlTell Your Senators: Don't Let the White House Legalize Torture Blumenthal: Where torture got himBush's effort to gut the Geneva Conventions has antagonized the military, split Republicans, and undercut his war on terror., GOP rebels agree on detainee bill;_ylt=AhpJgbjwsTdXSbDmlG2NyP.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--Pres. Clinton: Bush Wrong to Legitimize Whacking People Around Rude Pundit: The Great Cave-In - The Torture 'Compromise' by MistakeThe case of Maher Arar shows why the Bush administration's secret detention program is wrong. panel backs Bush on detainees 'em and weep.