A Hypothetical:
Rewind time back to 1998, Clinton is the target of a Republican witch-hunt. Now, as in real life, the Investigation doesn't really turn up anything solid, impeachment fails, etc. However, then reports filter through the Republican friendly media, about Clinton being unstable, etc. Soon enough, pundits and others soon enough start calling for his resignation, through false accusations, innuendo, and lies. Some even go so far as to say that Clinton should be deposed, by ANY means necessary.
Then, on a specific date, Media pundits on all major networks then call on Republicans to storm the White House to depose the President. This is done that day, while the Media concentrates on trying to maintain calm nationwide, Clinton is arrested and deposed as President, Al Gore goes into hiding, and Tom Delay(hey, not THAT far fetched ;)) is sworn as a new president of a transitionary government while the Constitution is dissolved.
Clinton, being a popular president at this time, has many supporters, and they come out en mass, especially in Washington D.C. Republican Supporters counter protest Clinton supporters, and the National Guard is called in to quell the violence, in reality, they brutally suppress Clinton supporters, using deadly force.
However, this has a galvanizing effect on Clinton Supporters, and soon enough, the coup fails, Clinton is released from Leavenworth, and reinstated as President under the Constitution. Later on, the investigation into the coup reveals it was partially funded by various foriegn governments, and many Republican party structures are supported by these international foundations, in violation of federal law.
Now, think about this, the Media not only is complicit, but outright supported a coup against the government, what do you think would have happened to those networks, those pundits, the owners, of those media stations in this country? What do you think would happen to the Republican party after such a coup?
Now, think about this, this is PRECISELY what happened in Venezuela, just change the names as appropriate. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the DA that investigated the coup was killed in a car bomb. Anyways, so if this happened in the U.S., NONE of these media companies would be broadcasting after such a coup, most of the pundits would have RIGHTFULLY been thrown in jail, and the Republican party would have been destroyed as an organized political party.
Oddly enough, NONE of this happened in Venezuela, no journalists, even the ones that did outright support the coup, are in jail. The media companies are still broadcasting, unfettered, regardless of the "disrespect" law that was passed after the coup. Note: Chavez actually VETOED the law, forcing a revision, because he thought it was way too severe. And the opposition can still oppose Chavez. Granted, those organizations that took foriegn money, well, they were arrested, but then again, that would happen in the U.S. too, we actually have very similar laws in this regard.
The opposition in Venezuela are disorganized, badly, but then again, they only have themselves to blame for this, I mean, during mid-term elections, they boycotted the ELECTION itself. I mean, how fucking stupid do you have to be to boycott the election itself, then turn around and complain that you didn't win seats in the legislature? Hello, you didn't field any candidates you jackasses!
As far as Chavez himself, he isn't perfect, nor is he some type of savior, at most, I think of him as a breathe of fresh air, for once a coup funded by the U.S. has FAILED in Latin America, think about that for a moment.
This also brings up another point, if ANYONE in the world actually has a right to call Bush anything he wants, its Chavez, I mean, Bush's administration stated, immediately after the coup, that democracy triumphed in Venezuela, at the same time, blood was running through the streets of Caracas.
Critisize Chavez all you want, but how good of a dictator could he be when the opposition STILL stages protests, openly, that have signs with pictures of Chavez in the crosshairs on them? Note, that is ILLEGAL in the U.S., and is considered a direct threat by advocating the assassination of the president.
Seriously, if you were to put Chavez on a scale for Despotism, from 1 to 10, 10 being Hitler or Stalin level, let's see how he would rate compared to some other leaders of nations:
1-Really nobody, every government is a little despotic 2-Clinton, mostly left us alone, which is a good thing. Also the only presidency that actually DIDN'T overthrow democratic governments. 3-Hugo Chavez, main reason is because of his lack of getting rid of the old corruption(legal hangups), and the disrespect law 4-Abraham Lincoln, now, before you flame, he DID suspend Habeus Corpus(something Chavez didn't do after the coup), and DID technically act as a dictator for most of the Civil War. Whether it was necessary or not is up for debate of course. 5-Fidel Castro, let's just say, it would have been much better if he did make the cut to join the New York Yankees. 6-George W. Bush, let's just say, he would have scored higher if he wasn't so damned dumb. 7-This is a tough one, I say a tie between Saddam and the Iranian Mullahs, one a (former)dictator, the other a Theocracy, both have a tendancy to take a dim view of human rights in any context. 8-Shah of Iran, SAVAK was particularly brutal, trained by the best(CIA). 9-Mussolini, don't really need to comment on this. 10-Hitler and Stalin, a tie, both killed a comperable amount of people, well into the millions for each, no need to elaborate further.
My biggest problem with people who critisize Chavez isn't the fact that they critisize him, hell, I just critisized him right here, no, its the unsubstantiated claims that he is a dictator, one who apparently came to power through internationally monitored elections, I don't think Saddam or even Bush bothered to allow that.