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Most important election in Calif. (maybe the country) is for Debra Bowen.

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LaPera Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 05:02 PM
Original message
Most important election in Calif. (maybe the country) is for Debra Bowen.
Edited on Fri Sep-22-06 05:04 PM by LaPera
For California Secretary of State! Debra Bowen!

Laugh if you want, but read on...

California needs to get rid of the sitting APPOINTED Diebold loving monster, Republican Bruce McPherson. This NOT going to be easy...Republican McPherson who was appointed by Republican Governor, Musclehead.

Republican McPherson will be counting & certifying ALL the votes in California, including the votes to ensure victories for himself, (Secretary of State) as well as every other slimy California republican candidates including Congressmen John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, Brian Bilbray, Guv Arnold, etc...Races that will be close enough in the polls this November (7th) elections to steal....made easy with the easily hackable electronic voting machines, that McPherson has allowed into our state for this reason.

This Secretary of State race is extremely important - The Bush/Rove and the rest of the republicans are counting on pushing McPherson right on though, so McPherson can push right on through the republicans in 2008.

The republicans will spend as much money as it takes, they'll put pressure on newspapers to endorse McPherson, whatever it takes, this race is so critical for the republicans, for them to be able to take back California, and they plan on stealing it this November. The republicans desperately want and need a republican Secretary of State counting the votes in the 2008 elections. The republicans are quite aware they can't win CA legally and fairly, there is no way…they must steal it and no easier way than thought the Secretary of States office ”counting” the votes via Diebold electronic voting machines.

Bowen is very well informed about the Diebold voting machines and like elected Democratic former Secretary of State, Kevin Shelley was completely against having the Diebold in the State of California...One of the reasons slimy Rove, behind the scenes tactics, forced the elected Democrat Shelley to resign. Then it became republican Guv Arnold’s job was to appoint another slimy republican (McPherson) as CA Sec. of State. And almost immediately McPherson lied and started allowing the TESTED unreliable & extremely hackable Diebolds into California against many protests. And has since refused and canceled promised appearances to discuss it...

We all saw what just happened this past June in San Diego...It’s whoever the untraceable votes the Diebold machines say is the winner, becomes the winner "offically" counted and certified by the Secretary of State, Republican Mcpherson Even though the machines can never prove who really won....

The republicans in CA are keeping the race very low key right now, but be sure before November there will a huge republican money blitz supporting republican McPherson and Arnold will giving him his endorsement, etc. etc. count on it.

Bowen needs and deserves our help, support & our donations...

McPherson will have all the right-wing money (and the machines) he will need, to ensure his victory and sell us down the line like the other republican Secretary of States have in Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Alaska, etc....

Please help.... WE must make sure DEBRA BOWEN wins for all of California!!

This is as important as any race in California and maybe the whole county, (if we think about in terms of California’s huge amount of electoral votes in the 2008 presidential election.

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 06:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yup! THE most important race in the country. I agree.
Former CA Sec of State Kevin Shelley was setting the pace for election reform nationwide in early 2004--he sued Diebold for their lies about the security of their machines, demanded to see their source code (in the lawsuit), de-certified their touchscreens (the worst of their election theft machines), and provided Californians with a paper ballot option at the polling place, all prior to the 2004 election--a real leader on this all important matter--then they "swift-boated" Shelley out of office on entirely bogus corruption charges, in early '05, and shunted McPherson in to protect Diebold and future Republican election theft capability. The Diebold lawsuit was made to go away, and McPherson ILLEGALLY re-certified Diebold touchscreens.

That's how important the Sec of State office is in California. More important than the Governor. More important that any Congressional or Senate seat in the country. And that's how important Diebold's and its brethren ES&S's TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY vote tabulation is to Bushites, warmongers and corporatists.

If we cannot restore transparent elections, it's all over for our democracy. No one is in a more pivotal position in that effort than the Calif Sec of State.

Support DEBRA BOWEN! Sacrifice some little luxury this week and send her the money! Write, call, email your California friends and relatives!



If enough people vote by AB--if everyone who despises the Bush Junta (60% to 70% of Americans) votes by AB--the reign of these diabolical machines will be OVER!

We must act NOW!

Spread the word! It's easy! Everybody can do it. (Most states have some form of AB voting.) BOYCOTT the machines--big time! FLOOD election officials with MOUNTAINS of AB votes, IGNORE THEIR SHINY NEW ELECTION THEFT MACHINES, and help FORCE reform NOW!

AB votes are not "safe" either--and won't likely insure an accurate vote count this fall--but if a MASSIVE citizen revolt against the machines occurs, we can save the '08 primaries and general election from secret vote counting by private Bushite corporations!

The AB voting protest will HELP turnout--it's a great motivator for disillusioned non-voters, to be part of a PROTEST aimed at un-rigging the system.

AB votes DO provide a paper record of your vote. (In some states, it's the only way to get one.) They provide evidence for election analysis (and were very important to several election theft studies in '04 which showed a clear bias to Bus in e-voting vs. paper). And--most important of all--AB votes are a PROTEST, A REVOLT, A REBELLION, A DEMONSTRATION OF OUR DISTRUST, A REVOLUTION, A "MONTGOMERY BUS BOYCOTT," A GANDHIAN SALT TAX PROTEST, AND THE BOSTON TEA PARTY ALL ROLLED INTO ONE.




Hand-deliver your AB vote to the polling place on election day if possible. That's the best way. Or: hand-deliver to your registrar's office ahead of time, or send registered mail/return receipt requested, or Fed Ex. Regular mail is the least secure. Fill out ballot and envelope very carefully (to avoid disqualification). To do more: Send a separate letter to election officials and media demanding TRANSPARENT vote counting (best: paper ballot, hand-counted at the precinct level; results posted at the precinct level--why is this so difficult? --the old reliable system!). MONITOR vote counting on election day. Demand to see where AB and other paper ballots are kept, and how they are counted, and WHEN (AB votes should be counted at the same time as e-vote tabulation, and no results announced until all votes are counted). Take pictures, video; keep good notes. Help get out the vote! Big turnout CAN overcome the machines!

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LaPera Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 08:04 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Very few know what you know...most here don't even have the slightest clue
Edited on Fri Sep-22-06 08:17 PM by LaPera
unless they see it on Olbermann, Jon Stewart or read it in a bolg somewhere or see it on some cable news show they don't know about anything else of importance it seems...In so much as they won't read my thread in any blog...

I spoke with Shelley, send him some cash, I wanted to start a defence fund for him, and urged him to fight this and at least stay in office until November so a Dem wouldn't be going up against an appointed republican incumbent...I even spoke with Dem assembly & Senate people in CA... who didn't have a clue either, with no perception what so ever, no idea of the repercussions of losing a Dem as Sec. of State, or even the evils od Diebold electronic voting machines for that matter. Not to mention of what Rove was controlling from the background from the WH...Some thought I was nuts and way gone, but again I proved to be correct...but I NEVER go by what other people say...I know usually they don't know jack-shit...And my insticnts, knowledge and perception together has NEVER failed me yet.
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LaPera Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 08:25 PM
Response to Original message
3. After hours have gone by - I just reread my thread, a LOT of mistakes
Wow...I wrote it very quickly and it shows...However, I think I made my point how important it is to get Debra Bowen elected as Secretary of State of California!
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GreenTea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 09:23 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. K & R You made your point well dude, wasn't aware of much of it.
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