For California Secretary of State! Debra Bowen!
Laugh if you want, but read on...
California needs to get rid of the sitting APPOINTED Diebold loving monster, Republican Bruce McPherson. This NOT going to be easy...Republican McPherson who was appointed by Republican Governor, Musclehead.
Republican McPherson will be counting & certifying ALL the votes in California, including the votes to ensure victories for himself, (Secretary of State) as well as every other slimy California republican candidates including Congressmen John Doolittle, Richard Pombo, Brian Bilbray, Guv Arnold, etc...Races that will be close enough in the polls this November (7th) elections to steal....made easy with the easily hackable electronic voting machines, that McPherson has allowed into our state for this reason.
Videos: Secretary of State race is extremely important - The Bush/Rove and the rest of the republicans are counting on pushing McPherson right on though, so McPherson can push right on through the republicans in 2008.
The republicans will spend as much money as it takes, they'll put pressure on newspapers to endorse McPherson, whatever it takes, this race is so critical for the republicans, for them to be able to take back California, and they plan on stealing it this November. The republicans desperately want and need a republican Secretary of State counting the votes in the 2008 elections. The republicans are quite aware they can't win CA legally and fairly, there is no way…they must steal it and no easier way than thought the Secretary of States office ”counting” the votes via Diebold electronic voting machines.
Bowen is very well informed about the Diebold voting machines and like elected Democratic former Secretary of State, Kevin Shelley was completely against having the Diebold in the State of California...One of the reasons slimy Rove, behind the scenes tactics, forced the elected Democrat Shelley to resign. Then it became republican Guv Arnold’s job was to appoint another slimy republican (McPherson) as CA Sec. of State. And almost immediately McPherson lied and started allowing the TESTED unreliable & extremely hackable Diebolds into California against many protests. And has since refused and canceled promised appearances to discuss it... We all saw what just happened this past June in San Diego...It’s whoever the untraceable votes the Diebold machines say is the winner, becomes the winner "offically" counted and certified by the Secretary of State, Republican Mcpherson Even though the machines can never prove who really won....
The republicans in CA are keeping the race very low key right now, but be sure before November there will a huge republican money blitz supporting republican McPherson and Arnold will giving him his endorsement, etc. etc. count on it.
Bowen needs and deserves our help, support & our donations...
McPherson will have all the right-wing money (and the machines) he will need, to ensure his victory and sell us down the line like the other republican Secretary of States have in Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Alaska, etc....
Please help.... WE must make sure DEBRA BOWEN wins for all of California!!
This is as important as any race in California and maybe the whole county, (if we think about in terms of California’s huge amount of electoral votes in the 2008 presidential election.