"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was the most bombastic, outstripping even Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by branding Bush the devil. What surprised many listeners was not necessarily the remarks, which were typical for Chavez, but the applause and titters of laughter that he received in response.
"'A few years ago that would have been heard in stony silence,' Council of Europe Secretary-General Terry Davis said. 'Not because people were afraid to show their agreement, but because they wouldn't have agreed with it. If I was working for the American government, that's what would worry me.'
"A June poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that America's image in 15 nations dropped sharply in 2006. Less than a third of the people in Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan and Turkey had a favorable view of the United States. According to that poll, America's continuing involvement in Iraq was seen as a worse problem than Iran and its nuclear ambitions."
The Bush Junta has lost even the MODERATE Muslims, who themselves are the victims of Islamic extremists! The Egyptians, the Turks, the Jordanians. This is DISASTROUS--not just for us, but also for Israel!
I've said it often here, and I'll say it again: The best course for Israel is a break from the despised Bush Junta (--despised in the Middle East, throughout the world, and here at home), and pursuit of an independent course in the Middle East, based on regional security and self-determination, the interests of all Middle East peoples, and peaceful dialogue toward the possibilities of Middle Eastern ecological and cultural renaissance. Israel is in extreme peril having this despised junta as their only ally. I think Israel has a great contribution to make to Middle Eastern culture--its belief in democracy, for one thing (--as a whole, as a society). I also think that how they start making that contribution is by, first of all, apologizing to the Iranian people for its part in destroying Iranian democracy in 1954 (--a horrible event, by which the US, the UK and Israel inflicted the Iranians with 25 years of torture and oppression under the Shah of Iran), and then JOINING WITH IRAN is stabilizing Iraq and expelling the Bush Cartel from the Middle East. The Bushites' sole interest in oil is poisoning everything that occurs there (that, and war profiteering). They have ILL MOTIVES. And they will abandon Israel in a cold minute, if they see profit in it. Their real buds are the Saudi and Kuwaiti sultans! They have no care for the peoples of the Middle East. None! They are greedy brutes and murderers. They slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis (in the initial bombing alone--according to the British doctors' report) without a thought. They permitted looting and chaos--without a thought or a care. Israel must sever itself from this, or it will not survive.
If anyone wonders why Chavez's remarks that Bush was the devil, and had left the odor of sulfur at the UN podium (God, I laughed! Hugo, I love you!), THIS is why. Bush and his Cabal have destroyed everything they've touched. They've ripped up the Geneva Conventions and tried to make torture normal. They've looted everybody--even us! They have no human feeling, or loyalty--not even to us and our country. Look at what they did during Katrina! They are the flamethrowers of the world, scorching everything good and peaceful and law-abiding and positive. What positive thing have they done? NOTHING! They are a criminal gang, at the top of the world, and have hijacked our taxes and our military to enrich themselves and to conduct their own private oil war. They look upon our soldiers as cannon fodder and the rest of us as slave labor for the Corporate Rulers.
There is nothing good to be said about them. And Chavez stated the obvious: They are the U.S. regime from Hell!
Applause. Laughter. Many felt it. Someone had dared to speak the truth.
And, as with the kid in the fairy tale of "The Emperor's Clothes," the so-called adults--into polite fictions--were at first appalled when the truth was spoken, but soon realized that their "polite fictions" were masking an Emperor gone mad.