From an AP article published today: "Santorum aired a TV spot featuring actors supposedly portraying four big donors to Casey's campaign meeting inside a smoke-filled jail cell. The senator's campaign later conceded that none of the men had given money to Casey's Senate campaign and that two of them had actually contributed to Santorum's campaign, which donated the money to nonprofit groups."
From :
"...The "Philly businessman" is lawyer Ron White who gave Casey $31,000 from his Citizens Watch 2000 PAC. White, who last donated to Casey in 2001, died of cancer nearly two years ago...Feldman... has never been formally charged with a crime... Feldman is the only one who can be said to have had an official role with any of Casey's campaigns, and that was in his 2002 gubernatorial race...
Calling Fekos and Mollohan "major contributors" is a stretch. According to Santorum's own research, Fekos gave Casey a total of $250 in 1999 and Mollohan's political action committee, Summit PAC, gave Casey the federal maximum of $2,000 in June 2006. Mollohan's PAC donation is the only contribution from any of these men that went towards Casey's bid for the Senate.
The first line of this ad would lead a reasonable viewer to conclude that all these "campaign team" members are currently part of Bob Casey's campaign staff. That is not the case for any of them...
We see a bit of a double standard at play here. Santorum's campaign hasn't mentioned that two of the alleged miscreants have also donated to him. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Christopher Fekos, one of the "other contributors" mentioned in the ad, has given a total of $1,500 to Santorum since 1996, including $500 for Santorum's current campaign. Robert Feldman (Casey's "hand-picked finance chairman") donated $1,000 to Santorum in 1997 and 2003. The Inquirer reports that the 2003 donation from Feldman was donated to charity by the Santorum campaign, but makes no mention of the 1997 contribution."